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Lunch went smoothly, and we all had a great time. It wasn't like yesterday's lunch though, today was the topic of Jack's shortness. And his funny walk. He had no excuse, he just enjoyed walking that way, and loved the laughs and encouragement he got every time he passed someone. Good job staying happy, you funny dog. Next was Drama, and I was not prepared to be met with Louis, who wanted to speak alone. Legoshi hesitates, but Bill just walks on in and leaves the three of us.

"That means you too, Wolf." Louis huffs, keeping a fine grip on my shoulder. Such dirty hands, get them off me Legoshi. Don't leave me alone with him. I'd rather stare into your eyes forever.

"Alright... Holler if you need anything." I knew that was directed to me, I'm sure Louis sensed it too but he didn't say anything.

"What you saw yesterday-" He begins, I end it. I don't want to hear anything out of your mouth.

"I saw nothing, nor did I not hear the moans you two made while you guys fucked in the clubhouse. Don't worry, your secret is safe with me, Deer." I growl, shrugging his filthy hands off me. Such a sin.

"Exactly. You tell anyone and I'll-"

"You'll what, Louis? You'll tell the authorities I'm a drug dealer? You'll tell them that I devoured my own parents? You'll tell them that I devoured Tem?" I step forward, getting in his face. Only when he stepped back with wide eyes did I realize my mistake. I'm a carnivore, he's an herbivore. What am I doing? I step back, excusing myself quickly before going to change. I passed Legoshi, shaking my head when he went to speak. I change rather quickly, avoiding the mirror at all costs. I'm sure I was just as speckled with dirt as they were.

I exit the girls room, and see everyone lined up. I noticed there were herbivores on one side, and carnivores on the other. The instructor, the Pelican, walked in with me.

"What-" I begin, but Ellen starts first.

"He was closely related to the carnivores in this club!" She scowls, I look at Bill, who is as heated as everyone else in the room. What was this about?

"So? Are you accusing us of something?!"He growls, clenching his fists and for some odd reason, I'm quite sure I saw a look of pleasure cross Ellens face. Ew, dirty. Did she like this?

"Maybe someone got jealous because he was recently cast in a better role!" Ellen says confidently, as if she knew everything. She's a suck up, but at the same time she knows how to manage feelings.

"You know you gotta lot of nerve! That's another reason why I can't stand herbivores!"

"Ohhhh Wanna Fight?!" This made him angry, oh Ellen... He begins his decent towards her and I step in front of him, clenching my fists. There is an array of gasps, and I can't move. Bill glares me down, and I can sense his anger towards me. You won't take me down, you dumb tiger. I will not let you. He backs off, turning his back to me as a sign of 'Fuck you Asswhole'. Ellen places her hand on my shoulder, and I only nod to her.

"Thank you."

"Don't, you got yourself into that one. I won't be there next time."

Was the entire argument over Tem's killer? Was it because he was in this particular club? The thought of being friends with a murderer made me uneasy, and I quickly got rid of those dark thoughts. I searched for Legoshi, and I could tell he was messing with the lights. His eyes were focused, he wasn't even moving. Only when I saw the female angora goat did I realize what was happening. He was scaring her, but maybe not on purpose. Was this an alternative to Haru? I can only watch as her nervous form looks away. I catch eyes with Kai, and he waves despite his angry mood. Ellen wanders off, and I see myself out of the building. Do I really have to protect everyone from the Wolf? Or am I worrying too much? Did I really want him to kiss me? No no, that was just the heat of the moment. Like a railway to another world, delivering meat but with no taste. I sigh heavily, changing into my uniform and preparing to spy on the wolf. I knew something was going to happen tonight, I just knew it. Why did the day have to be so obscure and destroy the happiness of which flowed through my garden that resembled my heart?

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