Chapter 4: The Truth

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I hear footsteps coming up to the attic, it's now or never, I have to confront her.  

"Sophie! Oh honey I was so worried!  Please don't worry us like that!"  Mom comes over and hugs me tight, not realising what I had in my hand.  

"Mom, what is this?"  I ask pointing at the passport picture.  

"Honey, that'," She stutters, "it's you sweetie!"

"Mom I know it's not me, tell me the truth, please."  I beg dropping the book on the attic floor.

"We'll talk about this later ok?" She says leaving the attic. 

For the next few hours my mind is blank, why wouldn't my mom talk to me about this?  My own sister? The most surprising part was when my mom didn't even acknowledge me skipping school, this must be a pretty sensitive subject. 

A few hours pass and I hear my dad walk through the door, I race down the stairs to see my parents talking on the couch with a worried look on their faces.

"I knew we should have told her about Lila, I knew she was going to find out Luke!" I hear my mom whisper.  

After a few minutes, they finally notice me, they gesture me to sit on the couch.  Once I sit down, I hear my dad sigh and look over at my mom.  

"Sophie sweetie, as you know me and my dad met when we were very young, so we got out of college we got married four years later we had you. But, when we just go out of college, I got pregnant and I gave birth to a little girl, the girl you saw in the scrapbook."  She says reluctantly, I can tell they are trying to read my face to see my reaction.

"Why wouldn't you tell me? Mom I thought you had fertility issues? Where is she now?"  I ask trying to hide my anger but my parents can see right through me.  

"Sophie, when we were younger we didn't have much money, so we had no choice but to give her up for adoption, she was-" My dad starts to say but I cut him off. 

"Ok, so she could be anywhere in the world right now?"  I ask sadly, I can feel a tear going down my cheek.

"Yes Sophie, I know you've wanted a sister for a long time, we are so sorry, but we really had no choice. As for your other questions, well...I'll let mom answer them."  dad says as he wraps his arm around mom, I can see she is getting teary eyed too. 

"I do have fertility issues now, after giving birth to Lila my reproduction system was not working very well, which is why it was so hard to have you and we could not have any other kids after you." My mom says teary eyed.  

"So you robbed me of the one chance of having a sibling?"  I remark getting angrier and angrier by the second, "you could have gotten jobs! You could have tried!"  I yell standing up.

"Sophie, we understand you are mad but do not talk to us like that." My dad says calmly.  

"You know what, I'm going to Anna's house tonight." I scream. 

I run upstairs and grab a suitcase and stuff as many clothes as possible inside, then I sprint out of the house and stand in front of Anna's house door.  Well, here goes nothing.  

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