Family and Love

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The Fox's Meal

The fox with his tail dipped in cream,
follows the goose feathers along the stream-
Along the cold band-
where his footprints sink into the sand.
Here the sly fox wait-
Till his dinner unsuspectedly dates.
With a call to his family and a dip in the creek-
The red fox retreats- with his
Wealthy, meaty treat
All covered in mud and smiling with glee
The ol' fox has a grand meal-
Filled with feathers and grill.

Beach Kisses
With feet in the sand, sun on my face and greed of the golden land in front.
I take in the sight of the blue rolling hills and laugh with lust of the kisses from the gust.
With a wave of my hand all winds blow away and a picnic is laid on the ground and my head in his lap and his hand on my cap.
We lay with the sunset painting the sky and the purple plain tickling our feet, we sleep with the shelter of passion guarding our deeds.

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