Girlfriend, Boyfriend?

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        Ashton - So how bad of a kisser am I?

        Lilly - For being my first kiss, it was pretty good.

        Ashton -  That was your first kiss?

        Lilly - Yes. Im not very popular with the guys.

        Ashton - Why? You seem pretty damn great.

        Lilly - Well i have never really been out in the world, and Nando's is a wierd place to get asked out.

        Ashton - True, but i did it.

        Lilly - Yes, and im happy you did.

        Ashton - Well I have to go to an interview, ill call you later.

        Lilly's Day


        Lilly walked to her friends house, and outside of the home set a teenage brunette girl swinging on a hammock. Lilly yelled to her "Kylie!! Long time no see!" Kylie ran over and jumped on Lilly's back, Lilly soon dropped her saying "I have to tell you about something amazing!!!"

        So they both walked inside Kylie's house and sat on her couch. Kylie turned to her and said "Soooooo.... whats the news?!" Lilly picked at her fingers then mumbled "I think I have a boyfriend..." It only took that for Kylie to grab Lilly and shake her screaming "WHATS HIS NAME? IS HE CUTE? IS HE NICE TO YOU? IF HE ISNT I'LL KILL HIM. TELL ME EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS GUY!" Lilly stopped her from talking by covering her mouth, then Lilly quietly said "His name is Ashton, I think he's cute, he is really nice to me, and he is in a band. Its called 5 Seconds Of Summer, but the boys call it 5 SOS."

        Kylie looked at her, like she was thinking, and judging the things she had just heard of Ashton. She said "Well, he seems alright, why do you think he is like your boyfriend?" Lilly mumbled... "He... he kissed me." Kylie jumped up the couch, danced around her living room screaming with excitment "YOU GOT A BOYFRIEND, YOU GOT A BOYFRIEND, YOU GOT A BOYFRIEND." Lilly laughed a laugh she had never done before, like a giggle. Lilly looked up at her and said "I should go, text me." And Lilly left and spent the reset of the night on her laptop.

        Ashton's Day


        After texting Lilly Ashton hopped in the group van with Luke next to him, and Calum and Michael in front of him. There driving crew was in front. They went to a TV studio and they all went out and sat with two other reporters. Of course the first question one reporter, her name was Mary, asked was "Are you boys single? Any girlfriends boys?" Luke said "Me, Michael and Calum are single." And then Mary looked over at Ashton and said "What about you?" Ashton sat up and mumbled "I have a girlfriend." Ashton continued saying "Buuut im not sure if she knows it yet." The interview ended later. Michael looked at him and said "Your talking about the girl who went to our warehouse a few days ago?! Her?!?! Damn it! I was hoping you were gonna be stupid and mess it up so I could have her!" Ashton's day ended with him messing around with the boys.

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