Chapter 5

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I unpacked and stashed the pony in the stables, the structure now oddly suitable for goats, children, or ponies. Then I brought everything in the back door and left it there to move the rest of the way into the house tomorrow. I brought the medicine with me only, so we might give it to Tivald first thing in the morning. I searched the quiet house for Runa.

I found her laying in bed, atop the covers in her wolf form. She was fast asleep, her tail wrapped around her legs, and her head laying on one of the pillows. I smiled at her for a short while, enjoying the view of her sleek black body, and then undressed quietly. I got slowly into the bed. I didn't want to frighten her, so i didn't wrap her up in a hug immediately or anything. Instead I moved in close and started to run my hand over her neck and back, petting her softly.

Runa shifted and opened an eye. When she saw me a smile spread across her features. "I didn't expect you back so soon, Em." She crawled closer to me, pushing her body against mine. "How was your trip? Did everything go alright?"

I sighed happily to have her close, and smiled at her. "Yes, the medicine is on the dresser there so we can give it to Tivald when he wakes up. I brought back some treats for the kids, and a harp for my sister too. I did everything quickly, I wanted to get back." I let my fingers sink into her fur deeper, my petting turning to more of a scratching movement.

Runa sighed. "That's good. I wanted you to come back too. I was scared you wouldn't, scared I couldn't have something so nice for very long." She nuzzled into my neck. "I really like having you here, Em. You're great for the kids, and great for me."

I rubbed my head against hers and buried my face in her neck fur, taking a deep breath of her scent. "I'm glad you think so Runa. I don't want this to be temporary. I know it's soon to bring this up, it's only been a week since I showed up, but I want to be with you. You can still take your time figuring out what you want, I know your life is changing a lot right now." I laughed at myself, this was coming out far more awkwardly than anything I usually said. "I guess I just want you to know that I care about you and the kids, and I want to be here for you." I pulled back enough to smile awkwardly at her, a little embarrassed at my lack of ability to word things properly. I thought I should have waited to say anything like that if I'd really meant she could take her time, I'd put pressure on her now even if I hadn't meant to. Well, I wasn't perfect. I had a desire to keep her for myself, and it was bound to reveal itself eventually.

Runa laughed, a happy, bubbly sound for a wolf to make. She leaned in and licked my face. "I'd love for you to stay, Emmett. I think I might love you, and I don't want you to go. You make me happy, and I want to be as close to you as I can for as long as possible."

I grinned, wide and foolishly, but couldn't seem to get any words out right away. Instead I butted my head against her and brought my roving fingers up behind her ears affectionately. I wanted to warn her about what the Seer had said was in store for us, but I was just too happy in that moment to do so. I'd tell her the next day, I decided, and we'd just be happy tonight. I wrapped my arms around her neck, pulling back to look into her face again. "I thought about you a lot while I was gone." I admitted, my tone implying that at least a portion of those thoughts had been sexual in nature.

She gave a playful growl and nipped at my shoulder. "I thought of you too. I even had to change to my hybrid form and do something about it once. Thinking about being with you makes me wet."

I laughed and rolled her onto her side so I could touch her nipples, as I had last time. I liked feeling them firm up beneath my fingers, that there were six of them. It was enticing that she had six to play with. "Do you want me in this form again?" I asked her. I was thrusting my hips gently against her leg, my cock sliding over her soft fur and starting to get hard with the friction and the idea of what we'd be doing with it soon.

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