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[Edited Rough Draft]

"Tyler if you don't get your fat ass down here, so help me god I will have to drag you crying and screaming."

Tyler's POV

Scrambling to my feet I look over at the time, to see it's 8:00 in the morning.

I must have forgot to set my alarm, because I overslept for more than 3 hours.

The beating from yesterday was much worse than any other day, because it was the anniversary of the Luna and my mother's death.

It would be worse if I don't hurry up and make them all breakfast.

I know it's a shame, I have to go and make the pack breakfast.

That's all the elder, parents and their kids, who can't make their own food what a shame.

The pack house was mostly for the Alphas family and some of the omegas to slave around.

I glanced over at the mirror and cringed at my own reflection, everyone was right.

I looked like the same girl everyone described me as, ugly and fat.

The same little sad girl I've been looking at for almost my entire life.

At some point I was happy but all good things must come to an end.

Amy is my only friend, she isn't even part of our pack but is the closest person I have to family.

She has offered me multiple to join her pack but I don't want to be a burden.

The only reason she is allowed to be friends with me, is because she isn't apart of my pack.

The alpha forces everyone to hate me, even the Omega's get treated like gods compared to me.

My mom would always tell me I was special, with my beautiful eyes.

Ever since I was little my eyes would change colors based on my feelings.

She would have me wear contacts so no one would, "steal my eyes as she put it."

Ever since the contacts my eyes look like boring brown.

Based on my feeling my eyes would change but most of the time they would stay clear, representing numb.

After getting dressed in some random clothes I stole from other pack members while cleaning I went down stairs.

After I was greeted with an slap, and called a "Lazy bitch" I start breakfast.

My wolf wanted to look around, and say "Who the hell was he talking about?" but I knew better.

Even though I do everything around the pack house they claim I'm lazy.

My wolf had a bold personality and was out spoken, while I was weak.

I'm just being honest, I was in constant fear and scared even though I knew I was stronger than I believed.

After the self prep talk I start to make breakfast.

Eggs, Bacon, Steak , French-toast and pancakes.

I know it seems easy to cook but when cooking for a pack of hungry people you'll see my delima.

There's more than 300 people staying in the pack house, so just imagine all the hungry people to feed.

After cleaning the kitchen and dirty rooms, I start my journey to school.

I knew I was going to be late so there was no point in running and wasting the little energy I had left.

I know you think why would anyone want to walk 5 miles to get to school but I don't have a choice.

It was sort of the highlight of my day, it felt like walking on clouds for the little time it lasted.

Tyler West the name I was told belonged to me, growing up my mother told me never to mention my middle name to anyone.

I'm supposedly special but treated like a pile of shit,"A disgrace to the pack" as they put it.

A pack is only as strong as it's weakest link, that being me.

I shifted before all the other kids including the Alpha, my mother told me it was normal but it's not.

I am stronger than the Alpha and every other supernatural being in the world.

I don't fight back or stand up for myself because I wouldn't want this on anyone else.

Even on my worst day, I wouldn't want another person to have to experience the pain they put me through.

If I was to go out and accidentally show everyone my power, it would effect more people than just myself.

If I was a regular wolf, I would shift at 15 or 16 depending on my rank.

I shifted at 12 years old, before everyone else around my age at that time.

The only people who know is Amy my best friend.

I'm turning 16 next week so as Amy puts it, my mate will rescue me.

I remember when I was little and the Luna told me about our destined mate.

"Mates love you unconditionally and will always be there for you.

They will hold you through the good and bad times.

Always protect you and take away your pain.

They will fill you with happiness and love you forever."

I wish that was true but not all fairytales have a happy ending.

The main reason the pack hates me along with the Alpha is because she saved me.

She gave up her life for me along with my mother.

I am the chosen white wolf, all the signs are there.

When I told Amy she was suprised but got used to the idea.

It is said there is only one every decade, the child of the Moon Goddess and Sun God's daughter.

She is described in the prophecy to have every supernatural creature apart of her and is true beauty.

30 (Minutes Later)

As I walk in the class I make sure to keep my gaze on the floor and make my way to my seat in the corner.

"Why are you late to class yet again?" said the teacher as he smirked.

Ugh I hated him he was one of the Alphas friends who had hated me because the alpha did.

He knew I had to walk to school, yet wanted to find a reason to make me the embarrassment of the class.

I didn't know what to say, so I tried to shrink down into my seat, hoping not to get detention.

"DETENTION" he said as he smirked.

He can't stop smirking for a minute and its starting to get on my nerves.

When school was over, I went to the detention room where he was waiting and took a seat in the back.

After what seemed like forever he said you are free to go.

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