Bestfriends can be deceiving

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(Tyler's POV)

I tried to open my eyes but they wouldn't budge. So I then tried to move but everything in my body ached.

I started to hear an annoying beeping noise and it wouldn't stop "Beep..Beep..Beep".

I could hear everything going on around me yet I couldn't move. I then heard a masculine voice that said "leave" using his alpha tone and heard a round of "yes Alpha" before they all left leaving me alone with him.

Again I heard that masculine voice that held power and sent shiver throughout my body, "Tyler" the way he said my name was with love, need, and lust but something was familiar.

I bet he could smell my aurous because I heard a low growl.

In that moment I then realized it was Jackson my best friend I haven't seen since I was in diapers awe.

Thinking about my best friend, oh my god I forgot to say goodbye to Amy she probably hates me.

I guess it's for the best but still I should have said goodbye.

Even though my body protested I jumped out of the bed and crawled to my bag before I realized he was still in here but I didn't care I had to call her.

I pick up my phone and put it on speaker he was a wolf so either way he could hear it

"Ring, ring"

It rang two times before someone picked it up

"Hello", someone said in a masculine voice that made my wolf restless.

I then realized it was Stephan.

"Why are you answering Amy's phone"

"Tyler is that you?"

"Answer my question"

"She is my friend"

"NO she is mine"

"Who's on the phone babe come get in bed I'm tired", I then realized that was Amy.

"Tyler please come home"

"Fuck You I will never forgive you and tell Amy our friendship is over"

I wanted to cry scream and have a tantrum but I just stayed silent.

With that I threw my phone at the wall and took out another IPhone 6 that I had in case it broke well I guess it was good I got a backup.

I realized he was still here and staring at me like he could see my life, my pain, felt it, and somehow endured it.

Trying to stand and starting to fall I was waiting for the collision with the floor but it never came I then felt the sparks and jumped back this can't happen again I don't think I'm strong enough for this.

I then put on an emotionless face and waited for the rejection.

(Jackson POV)

She was so beautiful I couldn't help but stare. I started to shake at the thought of someone hurting her I was about to shift when she hugged me and said the words that made my world come crashing down

"Jack", she said in a low voice that I could still hear.

"Tyler what happened to you are you okay I'm sorry I left you never again will I"

"It's okay nothing happened just met my mate and well he rejected me and some family issues but everything else was great"

I could see right through her smile and was starting to shake with the thought of anyone else ever being with her. I then grabbed her and held her against the wall and my wolf came out and said "mine".

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