Dear Diary

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My mom got me this old journal it seemed pretty lame but i personally love writing. Not that anyone gives a shit. Its September 1st 2028. Summer is almost over, i can't wait to survive a next school year. Since i don't have anyone else to talk about my feelings, i wanted to give 'writing my feelings in a book' a shot.

Here goes nothing.
My name is Yumeo Shinita, im currently 16 years old. I have a little sister named Szin. I dont really want to talk about my parents. I just moved from Japan to America. I can't wait for summer again. I like to draw and create my own pieces of art. Its kind of my hobby.

Today, me and my sister went to buy groceries. I didnt really wanted to but my mom told me that im going to get disowned if i don't. Sucks to be me i guess. As we got in the mall my sister immediately got her eyes on a cute Cheese Toast pushie. She begged for me to get it for her. I told her "No." Not because we didnt have the money to get it, more like i dont want to fucking carry that big ass toy.

We finished buying and finally got home at about 6 pm. We ate dinner. After that i went to my room and started to pack my things up because our flight to America is almost near.

I finally finished packing i cant wait to sleep. I did my nightly routine and called it a day.

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