Floo Powder

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I trudged up the stairs, counting each step I took. 1, 2, 3, 4... I lied down on my bed, falling asleep as soon as my head touched the pillow. 

I looked outside of my bedroom window, and the windows morphed into bars like in a jail cell. I ran to the door, trying to open it, but it was locked. I stared as a face appeared behind the cells. It was father, and he kept whispering the same words over and over again, "Disappointed." I sank to the ground and clutched my head. 

"Make it stop," I whispered. Eventually, his words turned into a shout, and he was screaming the words. He laughed and the scene dissolved.

I woke up, gasping. I looked at my alarm clock. The numbers said 8:30. I threw the blankets off of myself and slid out of bed. I grabbed a bag and packed it with water and money. I wasn't even sure if I could use British pounds to buy anything in Diagon Alley. I took the money with me anyway.  I walked downstairs and waited for Professor McGonnagol to arrive. I looked at my watch. It was exactly 9:00. I stared at my reflection in the window's glass. Suddenly, I heard shrieks from the kitchen. I ran to the kitchen and saw Professor McGonnagol clambering out of the fireplace. I stared at the green flames behind her in awe. 

"H-how did you come here?" I stuttered.

"It's floo powder. I come here through the fireplace in my office. We can talk about that later. Since you can't apparate, you can come with me to Diagon Alley using floo powder," said the professor. 

She pointed her wand at the fireplace and instantly, a fire erupted. She took a small bag filled with black powder and threw it in the fire. The fire turned emerald green. 

"Step in the fire, and say, Diagon Alley. Make sure to say it clearly."

I hesitated for a second, and then stepped in the fire, looking at my mother's horrified expression. 

I closed my eyes, and said, "Diagon Alley."

The flames spun me around in a circle and the moment I thought I couldn't take anymore, I was thrown out of the fireplace. I looked up, but I wasn't at my home, I was in a pub. The sign said, "The Leaky Cauldron." Professor McGonagall jumped out of the flames behind me, without a single speck of ash on her clothes. 

"Hello, Minerva! How are you today?" asked a bald bartender.

"I'm quite well. Thank you, Tom. I'm not buying anything today, I have to help Miss. Y/L/N here buy her supplies," said Professor McGonagall. Tom smiled at me. 

"You're a Muggleborn?" he asked. I nodded. 

"I thought so. Hogwarts is an amazing school. Good luck!"

"Thanks!" I smiled. Professor McGonagall led me a room in the back where there was a plain red brick wall. I stared at her, confused. She muttered to herself, pulled her wand out, and tapped one of the bricks with the tip of the wand. As soon as the wand touched the brick, all of the bricks slowly rearranged themselves until there was a gap big enough for them to walk through. On the other side of the wall was a street with lines of stores on both ends. At the end of the road was a crooked white building with the words "Gringotts Bank" engraved in the stone. 

"Come on, Miss Y/L/N we have to open a Gringotts account for you."

I had to jog to keep up with her. 

"Do witches and wizards use pounds?" I asked

"No, we don't use Muggle money." she looked at the bills in my hands with distaste. "We have a different currency. There are three coins. Bronze Knuts, silver Sickles, and golden Galleons. One Sickle is 29 Knuts and one Galleon is 17 Sickles. Although, we can exchange Muggle money for our currency at Gringotts and you can deposit that in your account. Or, you could use it in the stores. A galleon is about 5 pounds. When you open your account, you will already have money inside. There is a fund for Muggleborns entering Hogwarts. There are about 100 galleons in the fund.  

"A hundred galleons!?" I asked.

"Yes." They both walked into the white building. Creatures sat at desks that surrounded them. 

"What are those?" I asked.

"They are Goblins. They run Gringotts." 

They walked towards the desk all the way at the end. 

"Open an account for Y/N Y/L/N."

The goblin looked at me for a second. It opened a drawer and took out a key. 

"Bogrod! Take Miss Y/L/N to her vault," said the goblin said in a squeaky voice. A goblin hobbled over and took the key. He smiled, revealing his jagged teeth. 

(A/N: Sorry for not updating in a long time. It's been a hard week. Stay at home and read Wattpads! Stay safe! Avoid going outside. Times are rough right now, so focus on the good things. I promise that you'll see Draco soon. Remember, stay indoors and stay safe!)

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