I wanna go home. I know here isn't for me. home is where my little sister is, my mom, mamaw, dogs, greta, dad newborn sis, farmland. everything happy, the rolling hills, no taking sides. there are no sides at home, the same house I grew up in and remember climbing the walls of the hallway just to feel like Spiderman. where going for a run meant chilling in the woods. where chillaxing is a natural term for watching tv and videogaming all weekend. high sodium but dont care. snacks throughout the day not many big meals but when they are big meals they are big meals. real big meals. mashed taters corn beef cabbage mixed veggies, steak burgers hotdogs all doors open. when the term 'a few friends are coming over' it meant we were propping open the front doo and calling the neighbors homophones to stop bye for a plate to go. we made conversation and instead of watching tv during dinner for entertainment we're playing dominoes or some shi. its the best. the best in the world. I suppose unless you were me you wouldn't understand. everything functions normally. every one is layback stress free. theres no room for yelling only talking and fixing mistakes instead of punishing and dwelling on them. if you break a dish you arent scolded youre told to clean up the mess and watch where youre moving next time and the mistake doesn't repeat itself cuz u have a mutual respect for someone so merciful (つ ♥灬 ͜ʖ 灬♥)つ also my mamaw is just the best in the world. also you'll get ur ass beat if you lie about something stupid and there is no definitive line between right and wrong. as long as you've got a solid good reason behind what you do or its an honest mistake you wouldn't wanna act up. you want to make them proud. you wanna be good. idk. and when riding the Durango to the gas station the radio is ramped up to the max. life is great there. I wanna live there. idk. I love everyone there too and my time w a lot of them is more limited than not and it sucks. idk. cant leave my dad. my friends have prob forgotten about me. they wont miss me. but I cant leave my dad. or my dog
uncle jerry is gone, the rest of them aren't far behind. I wanna go back to doodling in my coloring books during great granddads church. it sucks
I wish I could go back. I miss the trailer. the dirt road. everything was so simple then.
nothing was definitive. life is just grander w all of them.
lemme go back dud. pls. I beg, any who im done typing buhbye- harley