The Massacre Of Garreg Mach

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Gift for Saint_Boot

Byleth brushes back her light green hair as she prepares for the greatest battle of her life. Her hair was the same color as Rhea's. Her father never prepared her for a battle like this. Garreg Mach is under siege. It has been for two weeks. Edelgard launched an attack on Garreg Mach for reasons unbeknownst to herself. It's obvious enough that her main target was the Monastery and the All-girls Officer's Academy.

The empire's units have spread out outside the Monastery. Their numbers are large. Larger than the church.

"Destroy them for even stepping on this sacred soil!" Rhea, the archbishop of the church yells violently. With that, the Monastery's students and knights charge.

It's not even sunrise and the battle has begun. Making it significantly darker for everyone on the battlefield. Though the remaining light creates some sort of atmosphere.

Byleth's immediate reaction is to spring onto the closest soldier and whip them with her Sword Of The Creator knocking him back instantly she sieges through the field of soldiers almost endlessly. It's like they're infinite.

Byleth stops to take a breather but she hears a thud behind her. She turns around to see her student, Petra who just killed a soldier.

"You should be careful of surroundings next time" Petra warns in her usual broken speech.

"I suppose I wasn't paying attention. Thank-Petra!" Byleth screams as Petra is impaled from behind by a lance. Byleth instantly whips her long-range sword at the soldier, killing him instantly.

Byleth goes over to Petra and kneels down next to her.

"Professor...I" Petra coughs blood before she's able to finish her sentence. "I am...apologize..." Petra closes her eyes and her breath stops.

"Petra!" Byleth has no choice but to move on. She moves to the middle path, the most dangerous part, with the most soldiers. As soon as that happens, she sees someone run past her so fast she couldn't even distinguish who it was.

"For...Jeralt!" The redhead yells as she attempts to thrust her lance into an imperial general. The man dodges and his blue hair subordinate thrusts his gauntlets towards her unaware direction. Saving the general. It was another student, Leonie. She trained under Byleth's father and was crushed upon hearing about his death.

"Thanks for the save Caspar! Great thinking" The brown haired general praised his subordinate.

"Thanks, Randolph! Anything for our family" Caspar states back to his assumed relative.

This moment makes Byleth realize that saving her students was the priority. This isn't any ordinary force. She especially realizes that after looking to her right and seeing a terrifying monster, the same as what she saw in the Holy Tomb where Edelgard initially started her betrayal.

Too befuddled by the monster and Leonie's death she failed to see Death himself marching towards her.

"It's you..." It was the Death Knight. His menacing, distorted voice echoed and struck fear into her. This may be the most emotion she's ever felt since her father's death.
"I've been looking forward to a challenge. All I've gotten were weaklings, easily struck down by my scythe"

Death Knight gallops towards her ready to strike. Byleth readied her sword.

"Squirm for me!" The Death Knight battle cried.

"Wait!" But out of nowhere someone jumps in the way. All Byleth hears is a blood-curdling scream. The person's fall almost happened in slow motion for Byleth.

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