🍋TomTord- Pillow Screams

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(Photo was still against guidelines XD I'm done)

It was around 11 p.m, everyone in the house was asleep, Matt had gone out around nine to work his shift in the club.

"Ahh!~ H-Harder!~" A voice echoed throughout the empty house, rhythmic squeaking of a bed and skin slapping accompanying the loud voices.

"Shut it, Tord. I told you Edd is trying to sleep." Tom hissed into Tord's ear, proceeding to nibble it with a low growl as he continued thrusting his hips into him. Tord arched his back and gasped, chuckling and letting out louder whore-filled moan.

"I can't~ You fuck me so good Tom!~" A smirk played on the commie's lips, he was doing this on purpose. Tom shook his head and wrapped a hand around his blushed throat.

"Such a slut~ Keep it up and I'll make sure you'll lose way more than your voice tonight~" Tom's hand gripped his throat tighter, another loud moan spilling from the other's now open mouth.

"Yes~ Fuck me, bastard~ I bet you can't do shit with a dick like yours~" Tord's eyes were blown so wide and glazed over that Tom could almost see hearts behind his iris'. Tom only chuckled and roughly snapped his hips into Tord, who cursed and dug his nails into Tom's back.

"Let's see if you can keep up that fucking attitude once I'm through with you, slut commie."

Edd laid in his bed, wide awake with growing bags under his eyes as he could hear everything that was happening next door. After a short pause, everything grew louder, Tord almost screaming in pleasure as slaps echoed and Tom's voice telling him roughly to shut up.

He hoped, so badly that he felt his mentality slip away, that they would finish quickly. His hair splayed a mess as he couldn't focus on sleeping with Tord's voice ringing in his ears.

Hours had passed and Tord and Tom were still going at it, outside the window the sun started to rise as Edd was now exhausted. And absolutely pissed off.

'What two people fuck for this long?!' Edd ran his hand through his hair with an agitated growl.

"P-Please Tom!~ Please let me cum!~" Tord pleaded, his wrists now bound over his head and Tom relentlessly fucking into him. The grip around his neck was so tight the commie was seeing stars, his eyes crossed and unfocused as the other chuckled and slapped his face.

"I told you to shut your god damn mouth~ Admit you were wrong, maybe if you beg good enough I'll think about it~" Tom leaned down and kissed the various bite marks across Tord's neck and chest. Tord was in bliss, his body felt on fire, his vision was so blurred and unfocused it only heightened his pleasure, and his voice was quickly getting hoarse.

"For fuck's sake, Tom!~" He bit his lip and turned his head slightly away, Tom stopped his kissed and leaned up to bite into his shoulder.
"O-Oh my god!~"

"Or I could just stop right now and leave you cuffed naked just like this. I'll just finish myself off all over you~" Tom stopped his pace, moving to pull out his member until Tord's hips pushed up desperately.

"No! No! I was wrong!~ Your cock is the best I ever had Tom!~ Please let me cum!~ God, please show me how pathetic I am~" Edd had earmuffs, and two large pillows stuffed over his head and yet still he could hear Tord's hoarse voice and the screams that followed. Soon after hearing a loud snap and Tord screaming into his orgasm along with Tom's groans, Edd waited for the two to fall asleep.

He went into the kitchen an hour later, walking up the stairs and angrily staring at their door. Then, with a swift move kicked it open and slammed two pans together.

"I CAN'T GET NO SLEEP CAUSE OF YA'LL! SO YA'LL AIN'T GON GET NO SLEEP CAUSE OF ME!!!" Tom woke up with a start, Tord groggily lifting his messy haired head and looking over at Edd.

The headboard was broken, large claw marks leading up to the snapped wood as Tom's sharp teeth and purple, beastly hands slowly reverted back to normal.

"Sorry for the noise, Edd. And the bed I broke. Promise Tord here will make it up to you. As soon as he gets his voice back and has feeling in his legs." The smug chuckle made Edd shiver in slight disgust, he was mentally scarred by entering their room.

"Yo-You- Tord- Claws and- and-" Edd stumbled over his words, watching Tom growl and grunt as his sharp teeth slowly dulled to it's normal state.

Tord blushed with yet another smug smirk, biting his lip and pulling down the blankets enough to show the beastly mess his body was in, bruises, clawmarks, and bite marks littered his pale skin. The lovebites were the only tame thing splayed across the commie's neck.

"I am going to turn around, go to my room and sleep. And by the time I wake up, I want to hear absolutely nothing about this. Especially when Matt comes back." And with that, Edd exited the room and slammed the door behind him.

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