Chapter 16: Wide Awake

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Joes POV

I woke up to baby crying piercing my ears.  I haven't heard a cry like that since Amber was a baby. I rubbed my eyes and saw the twins crying.  Wait what? My twins, mine and Rikis twins are crying?

"Shhhhh. its okay." I said picking my baby girl up as she stopped crying.

The nurses came in and smiled I guess at the sight. I rocked her back and foward and kissed her forehead. I looked down at my baby boy and saw he wasn't awake.

"Nurse, why isn't he awake." I said getting worried.

"Well he's breathing,  and he's got a steady heart beat." She said as I was relieved.  I can't believe it my baby girls awake. As she opened her eyes she had my eyes I could see it.

I looked at Riki and sat next to her with our baby.

"Shes awake, she's well. Now you just need to wake up." I said grabbing her hand and placing it on our baby girls beating chest.

I put her back in her bed and went oitside to Amber.

"Shes awake." I said.

"Mum?" She replied.

"No, the twin."

"Okay, well when mum wakes up can you text me im going for a walk." She said walking away.

Ambers POV

As I walked out the hospital door I texted my friend to ask him to pick me up.

-hey brendon can you pick me up not in a good state atm

-be there in 10

Yeah brendon wasn't a good role model for me but he made me feel better.

"Hey wanna get going. Maybe down to Charlie's. " He said pulling up.

"I don't wanna go to Charlie's. " I pouted.

"Hes got alcohol."

"How do you know."

"I called him and asked."

"Lets go." I said getting in the car as we drove off.




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