Chapter 17 Part 1

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     I wake up to Johny poking me in the side.
     "What the heck Johny," I check my phone,"It's 8am."
     "Well I felt bad that I haven't seen you in a few days." Johny says. "So I decided that we are going to spend the day together. You in." 
     "Yeah of course." I say. "I have a day with Ryder later so it won't be the whole entire day. Is that okay?" I say with a sad face.
     "Are you kidding me? That's so much better. After our fun day, I can help you get ready for your date." He then starts rattling off all of the clothes options that he could put me in which makes me giggle. He grabs my hand and yanks me out of my bed.
     "Uhh," I say still tired.
     "Come on go get dressed. I'll be in the kitchen." I take a quick shower and get dressed. After I'm done I meet Johny in the kitchen where he said that he will be.
     "Hey, Beth," He said but it was all jumbled because he was shoving a donut in his mouth. When is that boy not hungry.
     "Hey, Johny," I say and chuckle. My mom is holding Rosie in the corner and I go to grab her.
     "Hey, Baby," I say and tickle her stomach. She gives me the most precious laugh. Baby giggles are so cute.
     "I'll text Ryder and see if he can watch Rosie for the day." I say to know one in particular.
     "Ok." My mom and Johny say at the same time.
     I pull out my phone and go to text Ryder. Rosie seed the picture in the contact and starts saying dada. They really have a special bond. It's cute. That makes me decide to call him. I go up to my room with Rosie and press on his number. He picks up on the 2nd ring and I put him on speaker.
     "Hey babe," He says. Before I have a chance to respond, though, Rosie grabs the phone from my hands and starts talking to Ryder. Of course you can't actually understand why she is saying, but Ryder pretends that he can and responds to everything. There so adorable.
     "Hey Rosie? Can mommy see the phone so I can talk to daddy, please?" She gives me a sad look but reluctantly hands over the phone. I swear that she is too advanced for her age. I put it off speaker and start talking to Ryder.
     "Can Rosie stay at your house for the day, please?," I say. You can practically hear the excitement coming from the phone.
     "Really! I would love that." He says.
     "Ok, thanks. I'll drop her off in a bit is that ok?" I say.
     "Of course that's ok!" He says.
     "Ok. Bye."
     "Bye." He says.
     While I'm upstairs I pack Rosie a diaper bag with everything that she bends in it. I also write a schedule that has the times that she eats and naps and everything like that. Eventually Ryder will know her schedule. I go down the stairs and put Rosie in her car seat. I grab everything and yell to Johny.
     "READY." He grabs his keys off of the hook and we head to the car as I yell a bye to mom and she says one back.
     "Ok. We need to go to Ryder's first and then we can go to wherever you planned." I say.
     "I don't know where Ryder lives." Johny says and gives me a face.
     "Don't give me that face." I say with a joking expression and put the address into the GPS. We arrive at Ryder's house shortly after that.
     "Wow." Johny says, practically drooling at Ryder house. I laugh. As we pull up the driveway to the front door I can see Ryder on the steps that lead to the entrance. Seeing us, he stands up.
     "You can stay in the car while I drop her off." I say to Johny.
     "Ok." He says in awe of the house still.
     I climb out and go around to the other side of the car to grab Rosie. I grab her and the diaper bag. God, she's getting big. I'm pretty sure that Ryder can see me struggling because he comes and grabs Rosie out of my arms.
     "Ok. I have all of the things that she needs and there is a schedule in her bag." I say with a smile. For some reason I just can't stop smiling around Ryder.
     "Ok." He says. I can tell that he is nervous, but excited at the same time.
     "Hey," I grab onto his shoulder,"Don't be nervous. She loves you." I say.
     "Really?" He replies.
     "Of course she does. Have you seen the way she acts around you. She worships you. She is going to be such a daddy's girl." I say and he smile and looks down at Rosie.
     "Thanks." He says.
     "No problem." I say.
     "I'll text you when we are coming back. Bye, I'll see you later," I bend down to Rosie," Bye munchkin, I love you." I say and tap her nose, which makes her giggle again.
     "Bye Beth," Ryder says and I turn and hip down the stairs. I almost reach the car before I hear Ryder talking.
     "Oh and Beth, I'm excited for tonight," He says with a smirk, which makes me smile even brighter and I hop in the car with Johny.
     "What was that about?" Johny says, teasing me.
     "Nothing." I say.
     "So, where are we going?" I ask.
     "First, we are going to the mall to shop. I've been needing some new things lately." Johny says. This makes a new though dawn on me. Johny only goes shopping when he absolutely has to or he meets someone.
     "OH MY GOD." I say.
     "What?" He asks, with a confused expression on his face.
     "You met someone," I say with an excited expression. This make him blush so now I know I'm right.
     "That's why I haven't seen you much at the house lately. Cause you were seeing your new booyfriiend." I say, teasing him.
     "Ok fine. I met someone." He says with a sigh.
     "I knew it," I said with a victorious smile on my face.
     "But we are taking it slow. We met when I moved here. I was taking a walk and we bumped into each other." He says.
     "That's so cute." I say.
     "So what's his name."
     "His name is Noah." He replies. Surely it wasn't the same Noah. As in Ryders best friends Noah? I didn't think that he was gay. But then again I don't know about any other Noah's in this town so it has to be him.
     "Can you describe him for me?"
He describes him and he was obviously the same Noah. I wonder why he didn't tell us. I'll have to ask him when I see him next.

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