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I am sorry for the late update I have been busy with work and personal issues. I am sorry for the spelling mistakes. 

So I've been looking for my brothers Sam and Dean for three weeks now and still no luck I know they were taken by some demons but I cant find them anywhere. The only solution I have is to summon someone who can help. I've asked Bobby but even he cant do anything. 

So I do all the necessities to summon a Demon and wait. 

"What do you want Winchester" I hear from behind me. 

I turn and see someone who I was not expecting. 

"Ruby" I ask in anger. 

"What do you want" she asked again sounding bored. 

"No there has to be someone else. I am not asking you anything" I say storming up to her. 

"Fine then let me out" she says obviously trying to worm her way out of hell. 

"No I'll just send you back" I say going over to the book but before I could get any words out she talks.

"NO please don't whatever it is you need I can help" She says for the first time ever sounding desperate. 

"What makes you think I would need you're help. After everything you've done" I tell her laughing a little. 

"Because I can help you get them back" Thinking she's won.

I am angry now.

"Where are they" I say to her.

"I'm not telling you anything till you guarantee that you are not going to send me straight back" she says.

"You don't know anything" I say to her turning away.

"I know who has them and that means I can try and figure where they are being kept" She says assuming this was her last resort. 

"Who" I ask her not realising I had brushed a part of the trap away. 

"Look it doesn't matter I will find out where they are" she says. 

"Fine" I say before putting the devil trap handcuffs on her and me. 

"What is this" she asks angrily shaking her wrist. 

"Its cuffs with a devils trap on. Just so that I know you wont run off" I tell her pulling her to the Impala. It was a bit difficult but we got in and I drove us to the motel. 

I got some sleep somehow with a demon sleeping with next to me.

1 and a half weeks later

"Where are they. You said you could find them" I yell at Ruby.

"That was also before you cuffed me to you" She yells back at me.

"You know what fine" I say uncuffing her and chucking the key. "Fine run off see if I care" I say sitting on the bed before looking up and seeing her gone. 

I start crying then thinking it's hopeless, I'm never seeing my brothers again. I didn't realise I had cried myself to sleep. 

When I wake up I notice I'm under the covers and my shoes are off. I look around scared a little when I see Ruby sat in the chair.

"What are you doing here" I ask her still a little sleepy. 

 "I found them" Is all she said. 

"What" I say sitting up finally awake. 

"I found them" she says again. 

"Well where are they" I ask her beginning to get annoyed. 

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