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"soonyoouung~" a little voice chimes, waking him up in the midst of his slumber. soonyoung can feel tiny fingers poke and prod at his back, but he refuses to budge. they try tickling him, but to no avail. "soonyoung, wake up!" a light slap to the back. definitely seungkwan. soonyoung groans and pulls his soft, cloud-print covers farther up until only the top of his head is visible and his bare feet are exposed to the cold morning feeling.

seungkwan was not about to give up anytime soon though. he carefully climbs up soonyoung's bed and crawls up next to him, before completely standing up and sitting right on his older brother's back. "soonyoung, get, up, get, up, get, up!" seungkwan repeats, bouncing up and down with every word.

soonyoung finally stretches an arm out from under the covers and grabs a hold of seungkwan's arm. "you're gonna fall, dummy," he mutters out. but seungkwan is more than determined to get his brother's lazy butt up. "i'm not stopping. you have to get up, soonie!" he whines as he continues bouncing. this was starting to annoy soonyoung, especially seeing as he is bouncing right on his ribcage and he is vulnerable to losing all oxygen inside him any second now.

"fine. then i'll stop you." soonyoung gently tugs on seungkwan's arm making him scream as he tumbles off his older brother's back and onto the bed with a grunt. soonyoung sleepily laughs as he peeks through his blanket at seungkwan, who is helplessly trying his best get up onto his knees with the uneven mattress dipping down where soonyoung is laying. it was a full size bed but there wasn't exactly enough room for a full grown 23-year-old man and a fussy 3-year-old.

on wobbly little arms and legs, seungkwan eventually manages to prop himself up onto his knees so he's looking down at his torpid brother. "soonieeee" he cries out to try and get his attention. soonyoung only smiles under the covers, knowing exactly what seungkwan will do. just as he thought, seungkwan crawled closer to his face to try and remove the blanket. but before his tiny hand can grasp the cover, soonyoung throws them off and lunges forward to envelop him in a tight hug. "RAWR. I'VE GOT YOU!" soonyoung shouts in his pretend, gruff voice. seungkwan screams as he pretends to be scared. "NOOO! THE SCARY TIGER GOT ME!" he is sent into a fit of giggles as soonyoung tickles him and laughs along.

after a few minutes of soonyoung tickling seungkwan until he has tears in his eyes, (and seungkwan using a pillow to try and fight him off) seungkwan lays down in his older brother's arms to regain his composure. soonyoung gently runs a hand through seungkwan's soft, brown hair. 'he is pretty cute', soonyoung thought. 'at least when he's not being stubborn, sassy seungkwan'.

a minute or so later, seungkwan suddenly sits up and looks straight at his brother. "soonie has to get up. you have to take me to school today" he says as he grabs onto soonyoung's hand and tugs at it with all his might, wanting to get him up and out of bed. "can't mommy take you to school, like always?" soonyoung asks.

"mommy and daddy aren't here today." seungkwan answers with a small pout.

right.. soonyoung had forgotten that their parents were on a business trip in america, leaving HIM to take care of this little monster. he rubs his eyes with his free hand and slowly sits up on the bed. "alright, alright. soonie's up."

soonyoung carefully sets one foot down after the other, onto the cold wooden floor. he gently picks seungkwan up into his arms and walks into the bathroom. he looks in the mirror and let's out a small laugh seeing his blonde, messy bed hair and seungkwan's bed hair combined with the dry drool he has on his right cheek.

soonyoung sets seungkwan down on the bathroom sink. they both brush their teeth (seungkwan with a little bit of soonyoung's help), wash up a little, fix their hair, and head over to seungkwan's room hand-in-hand.

"i want this one!" seungkwan picks out his outfit for the day. a simple white shirt and a pair of cute overalls with tiny flower sewing designs here and there. seungkwan always liked dressing up cutely no matter what the kids at school, or anyone said. he even openly admits his favourite colors are pink and yellow. soonyoung doesn't mind it all all. as long as seungkwan's happy, he is more than happy to even go out on shopping trips with him to buy more clothes that he likes.

soonyoung helps seungkwan out of his white bunny onesie and into his baggy overalls. he helps him put on his shoes and ties them into a nice bow so they don't come untied. once he's done getting seungkwan ready, he carries him to the living room and sets him down on the couch to watch tv. soonyoung turns on the tv and puts on 'my little pony', as seungkwan insists he wants to watch.

after leaving seungkwan to watch tv, soonyoung goes to his own room to get dressed. he picks out a simple pair of cuffed jeans and a light blue sweatshirt. he puts on his outfit and checks the time.

7:30 am.

there was still an hour and a half before school starts. that gives enough time to make breakfast. soonyoung walks back to the living room, only to find that seungkwan isn't sitting on the couch anymore.

"fuck, fuck, fuck don't tell me i lost him already this is too soon-" soonyoung panics and frantically looks around the entire living room but seungkwan is nowhere to be seen. he runs to his room, the bathroom, and his own room but no seungkwan. the last place to check is the kitchen.

aaaand, sure enough, seungkwan is sitting at the table, kicking his feet that are nowhere near touching the ground yet. soonyoung lets out a sigh of relief which catches the little boy's attention. "soonie, i hungry now" he says as he rubs his tummy with a hand. soonyoung chuckles at his cute antics and walks over to the cabinets. "what does kwannie want to eat?" he asks as he opens a cabinet to take a look at what they have in stock.

"hmm. i want pancakes for breakfast!" soonyoung grabs the box if pancake mix. "no wait- oatmeal!" soonyoung grabs the box of oatmeal. "no, pancakes!" seungkwan shouts. 'oh for god's sake-' soonyoung thinks.

"how about we have pancakes today. i'll make you some oatmeal tomorrow, okay?" he suggests. with a frantic nod of approval from seungkwan, soonyoung gets to work on making some strawberry pancakes for both of them.

once they're done cooking, soonyoung grabs two plates and places two pancakes on each of them. he picks up the plates and walks back to the table to serve them.

"my milk too!" seungkwan implies as he crosses his arms in front of chest, indicating clearly that he means business. "right. how could i forget." soonyoung rolls his eyes jokingly and sets down the two plates before heading back to the kitchen and pouring some milk into a pink plastic cup for seungkwan. he carries the cup back and places it in front of the boy before sitting down across from him.

seungkwan digs into his pancakes and soonyoung occasionally has to reach over to wipe a crumb or two off his chin.

they finish eating and start getting ready to head out. soonyoung helps his little brother into his white fluffy jacket then puts on his own. seungkwan grabs his backpack and stands ready at the door.

soonyoung grabs the keys from the hanger, grabs a hold of seungkwan's hand, and heads out to the door to begin their walk to school.

-written by mira

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