XVI: Epilogue - 2 Years Later

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"...Is that the last one?"

Jimin doesn't need to turn around to know his hyung is already crying. He places the box in the trunk of his car, closing it carefully.

"Yep, that was the final box."

Jimin turns around and finds himself being engulfed in one of the biggest hugs he's ever received from Seokjin.

"You're so grown up now," Seokjin sobs, tightening his grip in the younger.

"Hyung, I'm 25 now," Jimin giggles in reply.

"I know, I know, but you're moving out on your own!"

"I won't be alone, I'll be with Yoongi hyung, just a few minutes away from you and Namjoon hyung."

Seokjin sniffs, releasing Jimin from the hug ever so slowly.

"Still... I'll miss seeing you every day, Chimchim," Seokjin manages a smile.

"I'll miss that too, hyungie," Jimin hugs Seokjin tightly once more, exchanging 'see you later's before slipping into his car and driving off to his new apartment.

He knocks on the door before using his keys to get in, seeing a smiling Yoongi standing in the kitchen to the right.

"You have your own keys, sweets, you don't have to knock," he chuckles.

"I know, but I didn't want to startle you." He argues with a sweet tone. Yoongi just shakes his head and smiles.

"Is that the last one?" He nods towards the box in Jimin's hands.

"The very last one," he smiles, remembering his conversation with Seokjin. Yoongi smiles brightly, following Jimin into their new shared room.

Jimin seats himself on the floor before opening up the box and taking its contents out one by one. A sad smile crosses his features as he examines each item closely.

"What's in the box?" Yoongi asks, taking a seat beside him.

"Albums with pictures of me and Seokjin hyung from when we first moved in until now." He shuffles through the Polaroids, drinking in every detail. "This is from the night when Seokjin hyung and Namjoon hyung threw a house party," he giggles, retelling stories of Seokjin's drunk endeavors.

"Oh, sweetheart... don't cry..." Yoongi coos, pulling Jimin into his arms and wiping tears Jimin didn't even know were rolling down his face.

"So many good memories... I'm gonna miss making those almost every day..."

"I know, baby. But hey, we can make more together," Yoongi smiles. "We can make so many new memories here."

"I'd love that," Jimin smiles brightly, letting Yoongi wipe his tears before standing up and unpacking the rest of his box.

Yoongi pulls out the old Polaroid camera from the box, pulling Jimin's back against the older's chest before kissing his cheek. Click. He grabs a sharpie from his dresser and scrawls on the back, "First day home", along with the date.

"There. Our first memory together," he smiles, hugging Jimin close to him.

A feeling of completeness washes over Jimin. He smiles at the Polaroid once it develops, placing it in the next available photo sleeve in his photo album.

"Let's make more," he hums, pecking Yoongi's lips before hugging him once more.

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