I Fell Hard

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I fell hard for him. I loved him so much it hurt me. I've always knew that caring for others feelings too we're much important. But that was my mistake. I didn't put myself first but my loved ones.

So, here's how my story goes...

Hi I’m Emilia Julie Anne C. Parfter short for Emily, i'm a Junior ,I’m 15 years old, I have a Big Brother named Edward(senior) and a Younger sister named Elizabeth(Sophomore). I think you do notice that we’re all named in letter “E’s “that’s because our parents are named Edmund and Emma we’re full of E’s you know…. Haha! We’re actually from Canada but we transferred to California last 3 years ago.

It all started when me and my sister we’re forced to go out of the house to make friends with our neighbors.

The wind was blowing my hair hard so I tied it into a ponytail, okay now that feels fresh, I thought. Elizabeth grabbed my hand and ran into the field that was packed with a group of boys and girls, we were getting nearer and my embarrassment level was increasing because of Elizabeth, minutes later they noticed us and came to talk to us.

The Barbie blonde haired girl introduced herself to us first.

“Oh hi there!! Are you the new movers?”

“Yes we are.” Elizabeth answered for us.

“Oh.. It’s great you moved in here! Well... By the way I’m Hannah!” she said while waving her hand at us then next person to introduce herself was the Petite dirty blonde haired girl.

“Hiii! I’m Maggie!” her eyes fluttered like the little girls do when they want something. Puppy dog eyes?? We both said hi and the rest introduced their selves : Hi I’m Kylie , Hi I’m Faith , Hi I’m Jane, Hey I’m Jake ,Hey I’m Peter ,Hey I’m Sam, Hey I’m Cody! They we’re all kind and very welcoming but there was this shy, cute dude heading towards us… I was about to ask who he was but Elizabeth asked first…

“Who’s he??” she asked while pointing at the boy, they all looked at the direction she was pointing.

“Oooh! Look who’s here!!”  Sam said while doing the Guy handshake thing that guys do to the boy.

“Hey what’s up guys!” his charming voice came out of his mouth that made me shiver in delightfulness .

“We met the new neighbors! She’s Emily and she’s Elizabeth” Hannah said introducing us to the boy.

“Oh. I see!! Hi I’m Max “ he reached out his hand and was signaling me for a handshake but when I was about to lift my hand up to hold his , Elizabeth grabbed his hand before me and I could sense the shock in Max’s eyes cos he was expecting me to shake hands with him but theeen.. my little sister went first, how nice of her .

“Well hello there Max! Nice meeting you.” Elizabeth said

“Yeah. Nice meeting you Max. “I waved while I sat down on the grass like everybody did.  They asked us a lot of questions though, some we’re very personal and rude, but I didn’t mind cos this was the only chance we could make friends in here … The sun was setting down and everybody was getting tired already so we said our goodbyes.

“Hey Emily, can you go out tomorrow??” Maggie asked me

“Sure. Why not?” I asked with a big grin on my face

“Well… I thought you guys would be leaving or something”

“No we aren’t Maggie! Okay we’ll be going out tomorrow!” Elizabeth answered for me while she replied with a nod.

“Hey Max! Let’s have dinner in my house!” shouted Cody

“Alright! Hey Emily! Wanna join us?” Max invited me

“Uh.. Okay then! Can we bring Kylie or anyone with me?” I asked him cos seriously , I am not going anywhere with two guys I just met without a girl friend .

“I’d love to come with you idiots!!!” Kylie replied in a second. So we headed to Cody’s house while Maggie and Jane said that they’ll be telling Max’s or should I say their parents that Max was going to have dinner at Cody’s and while I told Elizabeth to tell mom I’m having dinner at Cody’s too.

We had Lasagna for dinner and it was yummy! Since Cody’s mom was a chef and we got to meet his little brother though, his name was Mark and he was so adorable!! Me and Kylie got along really well! And I discovered that Max and Cody we’re best buds. We all went home individually at 9 pm.

I opened the front door and noticed that some boxes we’re now gone but some still remain… hmm I think they’ve been fixing the house for hours now, I think I should help out.

“Emilia Parfter! Where have you been?!?!” mom asked

“I told Elizabeth to tell you I was having dinner at Cody’s”

“Yes she did. But who on earth is Cody?? Dinner on a stranger’s place Emily??” mom asked frustrated

“Mother. Will you calm down?!?! He’s a neighbor!”

“Oh. Okay then, I was just trying to make sure.” Mom replied with a little embarrassment.

“Okay.. Can I help unpacking the stuff for my room?”

“Go ahead. All the things are in your room, first door at the left” mom said guiding me.

“Thanks mom.” I said while I swooshed into the stairs and into my home sweet room!

The walls we’re painted Aqua just the way I wanted and I had my very own large closet and a shoe case on the side of the door. My bed was just the way it should be , not too large , not too small! And yes… my bookshelf at corner of the room. There was a parlor table in there and a study corner. And of course my TV. The room was perfect, I liked every single detail of it , so I started unpacking my stuff , all my clothes , shoes , accessories , my books , my bags and many more. I began to grow tired and I literally fell asleep on the floor.

All I could say was … that this day was great, it was actually awesome though.


*Author's Note: Hi!! so.. i just made this tonight and idk. why i planned to make this. i just pressed the notepad and began writing! lol. so i enjoyed writing this and i hope you guys enjoy reading it. I'll still be making a cover photo so please be patient haha! byeee :** Have fun reading!

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