Prologue: "This is Farewell!"

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Los Angeles, California

December 1996

Jerrica Benton sat in front of the dressing room mirror applying the last of the pink shimmer on to her eyes. She could hear the roaring of the crowd cheering for her from downstairs in the stadium of Hollywood's Starlight Bowl Stadium and she wanted to remember this feeling forever. It was the final concert for The Holograms and tickets were upgraded and rare for their last show together as a band.

It had been a difficult decision for the group to disband after nearly a decade together making hit music, but now almost reaching the age of thirty, it was time for the girls to go their separate ways.

In honor of the occasion, Jerrica wore her signature Diane von Furstenberg short pink wrap dress and metallic tassel belt as she heard a knock on the door. Turning toward the entrance, she answered the caller.

"Come in," she directed.

Her lover, Rio Pacheco, entered smiling at how his beautiful his blonde girlfriend looked, when he first laid eyes on her. Wrapping his arm around her waist, he caressed her neck, inhaling the perfume he loved so much.

"You look beautiful," he commented. "Fifteen minutes to show time. The other girls want a last-minute prayer."

"Thanks Rio," Jerrica replied.

He could sense something was wrong.

Pain shot through his heart. "It's really over, isn't it?"

Jerrica sighed. "Yes, Rio. It is. We both agreed that we once the baby is born, we will make this work in sharing custody of the child. My moving to New York and you living in L.A. will not affect us in caring for the infant."

"I wish there was another way," he whispered. "It didn't have to come to this."

Tears began to flow from her eyes. "I know but we can't pretend that me being Jem is going to fix almost ten years of deception and mistrust. You deserve a woman who would never lie to you and I need a man who isn't easily seduced by an alluring female who is surrounded by money and fame. It's all this baggage we both have to work on."

Rio apologized again sadly. "I'm sorry. It's my fault for giving in to Jem."

"No Rio," she corrected. "It's both our faults. Our relationship was constructed out of lies and deceit and that is no way of bringing a child into the middle of it. Breaking up is the best thing for us in this situation. I hope you realize that."

His eyes darted toward the ceiling of her dressing room. "Yeah, I do. I wish things were easier."

"They never are, Rio," she frowned. Changing the subject, she addressed another topic. "I know Synergy's computer systems have now becoming obsolete. Will this affect her holographic projections during the concert so that I maintain my appearance as Jem?"

"According to her diagnostics systems, you still have eight hours to keep up the holographic imagery," he explained. "Her systems need a major upgrade, so Aja and I are going to dismantle her and see if we improve the current modules."

"Is that your new pet project now with Aja and her husband Craig?" Jerrica wondered. "Building new computers and selling them to the world?"

Rio nodded. "It's much more than that. We're talking a corporate business, where we will have one major software system which will connect the world into one communication feed. We're calling it the internet. If this does well, then we want to expand to gadgets and establish a big global market for the computer and technology industry. We're thinking of naming it MicroApple! What do you think?"

"Rio! That's wonderful!" She exclaimed. "I'm sure it'll work out. You three are resourceful, smart thinkers! I hope to see the business expand in the future!"

"You should thank your late father Emmett for starting the idea," Rio noted. "Without building Synergy, we wouldn't have a blueprint of where to start inventing and expanding the idea of computers. It's the wave of the future!"

Jessica smiled. "I'm sure it is."

She stared into the dark, brown eyes of this Mexican American gentleman and embraced him before plastering one affectionate kiss to his lips. "Thanks Rio. For everything."

"Break a leg, Jerrica...I mean Jem," he grinned slowly, exiting out.

Jerrica wiped a tear from her eyes one more time in the mirror. Pinching her dark maroon star earrings, she always wore, she made her final proclamation.

"Showtime Synergy."

Once more a flash of light and sparkle illuminated the room leaving in its place a pink haired woman wearing Jerrica Benton's clothes.

Jem opened the door of her dressing room and headed toward the stage.

Passing through the back corridors, crew and stagehands waved to her, acknowledging her presence. She always appreciated the backstage crew for the all hard work that they do into putting on an amazing musical show. Without them, it would not be much of a concert.

Heading near the ramp where the audience appeared to be the loudest, she noticed a brunette woman with a lily in her hair rocking her nine-month year old infant to sleep.

"Mary!" Jem hugged the former Misfit. "I'm so glad you came! You even brought Jagger!"

Mary Philips kissed the pink haired singer, while she rocked her son back and forth. "I wouldn't miss your girls' concert for the world!"

"How are you holding up?" Jem asked her with concern.

"Some days are better than others but I'm managing," Mary answered. "You, Kimber, Aja, and Craig have been a great support team for me and little Jagger. Plus, my parents have been doting grandparents, so they've been a great help to me."

"You know if you and Jagger ever need anything..."

The woman once dubbed as Stormer placed a comforting hand on the pink singer's shoulder. "Thank you Jer...I mean Jem. We're going to be fine. You and the other Holograms need to concentrate on putting on a good show." She kissed Jem on the cheek. "Break a leg!"

"Thanks, Stormer," she hugged the mother again. Pink high heels clacked across the concrete pathway as Jem saw her band mates waiting for her by the stage entrance. She picked up the pace, opened her arms, and prepared to hold them all in one group hug.

"We were wondering when you were going to show up, sis!" Kimber teased.

"Sorry, I was chatting with Stormer," Jem apologized. "Let's get ready to put on an amazing concert! Raya, please lead a prayer."

Their Mexican American drummer made everyone hold hands in a circle. "Oh, Heavenly Father, please look after us and grants us the strength to put on our very best performance during our final show. Also, please look after us once we head out on our own separate ways. Amen."

"Amen!" The Holograms announced in unison.

"Let's rock and roll!" Aja exclaimed.

"This is one concert that is going to be truly outrageous!" Shana noted.

The women marched together on to the stage causing the crowd to go wild.

For the final time, Jem and the Holograms performed their medley of hit songs as they made a memorable impact in music history.

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