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Author's Note:

This book was written during NaNoWriMo 2012. I have revised the first 2 or 3 chapters so they may not fit with the rest of the book. I will likely repost the original chapters later this year.


I smiled, flipping my hair back flirtatiously as I walked down the hall. Fresh off of my latest boyfriend, I was ready to hunt.

No offense to Josh, he was a nice kid. Just not my type. His protective ways and his need to know my whereabouts at all times was too much. I had come a long way from the little girl in need of a Prince Charming.

"Sapphire." a voice said from behind me.

I grinned to myself as I turned, smiling through my closed eyes as I waited for a kiss.

"Miss Jones! What do you think you're doing?" my math teacher shouted. He was short, with red hair and a temper to match.

I nearly choked as I stepped back from the kiss. The blond haired boy looked once at the teacher before he darted off. "Who are you to judge me? Just the other day I saw you flirting with one of the seniors, and boy did you two look infatuated." I said, rolling my eyes.

My teacher was furious. "Young lady, unless you want a detention, I believe you owe me an apology."

"Make me." I challenged, crossing my arms. Why should I? He was a crazy old coot who never took a shower. And it wasn't like he didn't have any faults.

Tapping his foot, he grabbed my arm and glared. "Detention. Don't be late."

I rolled my eyes. "Or you'll do what? Give me more detention?"

He bit his lip, trying to keep himself from yelling. "Give me your cellphone. You may have it back after your detention."

He had just crossed the line. "Excuse me? You have no permission to touch my personal property, so I believe I'll be keeping the phone." I said, placing my hands on my hips.

"Except your parents signed the form acknowledging the school's right to take away your phone, along with other methods of punishment. Now please hand it over." Mr. Davis smugly said.

I groaned. "Fine, whatever. Not like I need it anyway."

"Go to the principal's office. Now!" He yelled as he snatched the phone from my hand.

I walked through the deserted halls, each step bringing me closer to an almost certain suspension.

"Sapphire?" A voice asked from behind me. I turned around, biting my lip as I crossed my arms.

But just as I was preparing to ask what I had done this time around, my eyes settled on two navy colored uniforms.


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