Chapter Eight ~ Butterfly Wings

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Short but unfortunately necessary! :)


I shot up and pulled the nurses cord, my eyes filled with terror.

Lars was back.

He put his hand over mine and put it back, not allowing me to pull.

"Hey Butterfly. It's been awhile, hasn't it?"

I looked at him. "How the hell did you get out? You've only been in for two years!"

He smiled. "Good behavior goes a long way, butterfly."

"Help!" I screamed, pushing him away.

Larson was back. Back with a vengeance, back to kill me... and I shut my eyes.

"Sapphire? Can you hear me?"

I blinked and looked up. Larson was gone, and the room was bright.

"Where am I?" I asked, afraid to look at the person speaking.

He leaned over and put his hand on mine as I flinched away. "It's okay Sapph, it's me. You were in an accident."

I opened my eyes wide and stared. "David?"

He chuckled. "You scared me. Sometimes I think you're as fragile as a butterfly."

"Don't call me that." I hissed, pulling away.

David looked hurt as he looked at me. "Why?"

I groaned. "It's a long story. Now, was anyone here before you?"

"What aren't you telling me Sapph?" David asked.

I pulled myself up. "Was there anyone here before you?"

David looked at me. "Yeah, he just left. He said his name was Nathaniel Larson. A friend of yours?"

"I should kill him. Give me the phone." I whispered, clenching my fists.

David looked at me with concern and handed it to me. "You better tell me what's wrong."

I ignored him as I punched in a memorized number, one I had called many times over the course of the past four years.

"Paige Hill, may I ask who is calling?"

I took a deep breath. "This is Elizabeth. Lars is back in town Paige! You told me he would be locked up for good!" I yelled.

David stared at me but kept quiet.

"Elizabeth, he had a plea deal, remember? Five years and out?"

I struggled to hold back the tears. "You promised me he would never come near me again. And it's only been 2 ½." I hissed.

I heard a sigh on the other side of the line. "I'll get you a restraining order if it makes you feel better Elizabeth."

"Yeah, I definitely need one of those. He was in my hospital room! And you didn't even let me know he was out!" I yelled.

"I called your parents 3 weeks ago Elizabeth. I told the parole board that he needed to stay in jail but they wouldn't listen."

I bit my lip. "Well, find him. And slap that restraining order on him too. Or else he'll be dead when you see him again."

"Elizabeth, I'm sorry."

I shook my head. "It takes a lot to earn forgiveness. Goodbye, Paige."

I hung up the phone and held back my frustration, tears, and anger as David looked at me with worry.

"Elizabeth?" He asked, eyebrows raised.

I sighed. "It's a very, very long story."

~ 3rd Person – Stalker's POV ~

"So, you must be wondering who I am?" asked the man.

The girl struggled against the restraints. "What the hell do you want with me?"

"It's not what I want with you. It's what I want with Elizabeth." He said, moving his chair so she could see the screens.

"Don't you dare touch her." The girl spit.

"So, Sapphire, an interesting story, is it not?"

The girl snarled at him. "My name is Beth!"

"Not according to this." He said, waving a document down in front of her.

Beth's heart suddenly sank as a deepening sense of worry overcame her.

He knew.

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