Chapter 1

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As i stepped out of the airport clutching my 2 suitcases, the warm calming air welcomed me to Australia. I'd been here twice before, both of the visits causing my parents to fall in love with the place. We'd been planning to move for a few years now, but now it had just become reality.

So you're wondering who I am, right? My name is Mikaela but everyone calls me Kayla. I'm 16 almost 17 and I'm as socially awkward as they come. No specific reason, I just feel the need to bring a sense of awkwardness to the atmosphere. I'm originally from Manchester in England but have just moved to Melbourne with my mum, dad, older brother Ben and my younger sister Olivia. We're a close family and all look out for each other which is good I suppose?

We all crammed into a small run-down taxi and directed the driver to what would be our new home. All though my pale face was squished against the window, I could still take in the beautiful city and its magnificent scenery as we drove along the busy roads. The blue sky planted a smile right across my face 'wow I haven't seen this in a while' i thought myself. We slowly pulled off the main road and into a quieter, residential area with large, beautiful houses. The street was calm with the occasional kids on bikes or in gardens, I was excited to finally be united with our house. Eventually we pulled up outside a large house, it had a luscious green lawn and a nicely paved drive with a car on, my mum and dad bought a car the other month here in preparation. I jumped out and ran up to the front window, eagerly peering into the front room. It was fully furnished, my parents stayed here for a week last month sorting everything out to make sure it was perfect. When i was finished gawping at the inside i grabbed my heavy suitcases and the keys and unlocked the door. My family behind me, all waiting in anticipation for me to open the door to our new future.

After a thrilling hour of settling in and unpacking our belongings we returned back to a calm family, the excitement was still there but everyone was used to it now. Staring out the window i was intrigued to see a group of 5 boys following a man down the street, they looked as if they were singing to the guy, he didn't look amused. I chuckled to myself before flopping back onto my bed and shutting my eyes, the long flight had completely worn me out. I heard a small knock on my bedroom door, soon after my younger sister Olivia who had just turned 16 poked her head around my door.

'hello?' I asked confused as she stood there smiling.

'I'm bored, come explore the area with me?' she replied, a smile grew on my face. We loved getting lost and some how finding our way back, plus we needed to get to know the area anyway. I nodded in agreement and ushered her out so I could get changed. I put on a pair of tie dyed ripped shorts and tucked a white baggy vest top into the shorts before slipping on my black vans. I let my long, brown hair fall wavy and grabbed my phone and headed out the room. I jogged down the stairs, said goodbye to my parents and brother and jumped out the door with my sister. The warm sun beamed down on us, greeting us outside. We decided to walk down the street and took a load of turns before finding a park. It was filled with tall, flowering trees and dog walkers, we found a bench in the sun and relaxed. We both closed our eyes to soak in the heat and catch some tan that we desperately needed.

'you're insecure, don't know what for, you're turning heads when you walk through the do-o-oor' My eyes flew open and adjusted to the light, in front of me&liv stood 2 boys who looked like twins singing One Direction. We both burst out laughing as they continued, it didn't take long to realise these 2 were in the group of boys before with the man. Another guy appeared with a camera filming us as we laughed uncontrollably as they carried on. 'everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you' me and Olivia saw this as an open opportunity to join in, we jumped up and joined in doing a ridiculous dance. 'BABY YOU LIGHT UP MY WORLD LIKE NOBODY ELSE' we kept up our act until the end of the chorus before sliding back down onto the wooden bench, catching our breath amongst laughter.

'and that my friends, is how you do it' one of the boys said to the camera. He then turned to face us with a grin fixed upon his cute face.

'I'm Jai and this is my brother Luke and the one with the cameras Daniel, nice to meet you' He winked, they all put out their hands and we shook them. Me and Liv exchanged a few glances giving each other the 'you speak first' look, I finally gave in and spoke.

'I'm Kayla and this is my sister Olivia, nice to meet you too' I winked back and they all laughed. We sat in silence for a moment not knowing what to say.

'i see that you're from England by the sounds of your voice, new here or on holiday?' asked Luke.

'just moved here today, we thought we'd come explore' Olivia replied smiling intensely. My phone began to ring, it was my mum.

'hello? now? aw but- fine we're coming.' I disconnected the call and stared bluntly at my sister. 'We have to go now, mums worried' I stated calmly.

'We don't know the way back...' Olivia said staring at me.

'woahwoahwoah girls, we could give you a lift back? on one condition..' Jai said smirking. We both raised an eyebrow and nodded at him waiting for this unknown proposal. 'We get your numbers?' They all did puppy dog eyes and gave a pleading look, we laughed and put our numbers into their phones before walking over to the car. I couldn't take my eyes off Jai, he was stunning. He had brown hair and a fringe sweeping across his forehead, he was quite tall and had a cute little smile. I jumped in the front with him and tried not to stare too much, occasionally he'd catch me and give a little wink which made my heart melt each time. After 5 minutes we reached our house, we thanked the guys and walked up the path towards the door turning round we gave one last wave before entering our house. Running up stairs to my room we slammed the door shut and jumped onto my bed flushed red in the face.

'OH.MY.GOD. THEY WERE HOT' Exclaimed Olivia smiling uncontrollably.

'Did that actually just happen? Moving here just got a whole lot better!' I smirked hugging my sister tightly.


So that was part one, it's my first time on this website so I don't really get how it works. If you're reading this then i love you. It's boring up to now but it gets more exciting, promise;D!

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