15 | Bangtan Bomb

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That is Daeyeon's outfit♡Happy Reading!•••

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That is Daeyeon's outfit♡
Happy Reading!

Third Person's POV

"Look at those arms! Look at those legs! Look at those moves!"

The camera is currently filming Jhope who is practicing his moves on his song Chicken Noodle Soup.

The camera swiftly move to Daeyeon who is currently watching Jhope.

"How I wish I can dance like that." She added more.

She then chuckled when she found out that she is being filmed.

"I feel honoured that you are filming me instead of the others!" She said.

"You know, I was with Jhope oppa when he shoot his music video (Chicken Noodle Soup) in LA." She started to tell the story.

She drank her water before continuing.

"It felt so great cause I'm also a fan of Becky G. And I just met her like Oh My God!" The cameraman laugh at her expression. "I was cheering for them like crazy. And I realized that I am overreacting but still I continue cheering!" She added.

"I really love it whenever I dance and Jhope oppa is watching me with a smile on his face. It feels like I made him satisfied with my dance skill." She said more before glancing back to the camera to check if she was still being film.

"Even though he always says that I am better than him. Like what the hell, he's part of the choreographer now." She immediately slapped her mouth after that.

She drank a water again before changing the subject.

"We just finished practicing Boy With Luv so sorry for my ugly face." She said reason why the cameraman chuckled. "If you're wondering where are the others, Namjoon oppa is laying on one of the chairs while playing with his phone. Suga oppa is half asleep, I guess. Jin oppa is there taking a picture. Taehyung oppa and Jimin oppa is playing with Tannie." She said after roaming her eyes around to check the other members.

"Don't ask where Jungkook is. I already killed him." She said so the cameraman laugh again.

The camera caught Jungkook on the side while busy on his phone.

Suddenly Taehyung came with Yeontan in his hand.

"Hold him for me. I'll take a pee." Taehyung said before leaving Yeontan to Daeyeon.

"Woah, he's really gross. He shouldn't have said that." She commented before petting Yeontan.

"Tannie, say hello to Army's!" She said taking one of Yeontan's leg and wave it to the camera.

"For your Information Army, Yeontan is actually richer than me. Look at his hair. So smooth. And it smells so good. Probably his shampoo is double the price than mine. And he always takes a bath, not like me who is always lazy to take a shower." She said so the cameraman laugh.

She didn't do anything but make the cameraman laugh.

A few minutes later Taehyung came and get Yeontan off to Daeyeon.

"Thanks Daeyeonie!" He said before leaving.

"That was rude actually--" she got cut when Jimin rush to her and hug her by the waist.

"Ew, Jimin-ssi you're wet!" Daeyeon commented.

They both stare at each other after hearing what she just said before bursting out of laughter.

"I mean your wet by your sweat" she continued so Jimin let go while still laughing.

"Army, Daeyeonie is such a bad girl!" Jimin commented while fixing her hair in front of the camera.

Suddenly Daeyeon caught Jungkook making his way towards their position.

"Oh here come's the Bunny!" Daeyeon said making Jimin to turn his head toward Jungkook.

Jungkook stop beside Daeyeon and infront of the camera.

"What are you doing here?" Daeyeon asked Jungkook but he just poke her cheeks.

"You know Army, Jungkook is such an attention seeker. He always wants the cameraman or the director to only film him. He's so selfish you know!" Daeyeon added. Jimin laugh at her while Jungkook just smiled to the camera

"Ya, look at him! He's just smiling Daeyeonie!" Jimin commented.

Daeyeon playfully glared to Jungkook but he again just poke both of her cheeks then pinch it!

"Ouch!" She whined "I am just kidding. It's just that, whatever angle he had, he still always looks good. I can't find any mistakes in his face except from his nose! Like what the hell, it's so unfair!" She quickly slapped her mouth after she said that.

The two boys and the cameraman just laugh at her.

"How about me? Do I always look bad in front of the camera?" Jimin said.

Daeyeon look at him and said.

"Try to make funny face!" Jimin did what she said and they all bursted out of laughter.

"Don't ever do that again!" Daeyeon said.

"Try it also Daeyeon." Jungkook said.

Daeyeon was cut when the Director talks to the microphone.

"Bangtan, come up now in front." He said so Daeyeon immediately smiled.

"Save by the bell. See you when we see you Army!" She said bidding goodbye to the camera.

"Bye!" The two boys said then Jungkook quickly lift Daeyeon to make their way in the front.

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