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Engulfed by something, Hwayoung's eyes were closed shut as she felt her body collided with the ground

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Engulfed by something, Hwayoung's eyes were closed shut as she felt her body collided with the ground. Thinking she would've died, she opened her eyes to find herself being embraced by someone.

She sat up and saw the boy who had protected her. Chenle opened his eyes and cursed himself for acting out. He looked at Hwayoung who saw already staring at him.

After a few seconds, an ambulance and firetruck were heard outside the cafe. Hwayoung slowly stood up and handed her hand out to Chenle.

Chenle pushed her hand away and got up himself, then walked away. Hwayoung coughed as she inhaled the dense smoke and once she walked out, she found her friends safe.

"HWAYOUNGIE!" Iris shouted and ran towards her.

"Hey." Hwayoung weakly said.

"Are you okay?!" Iris exclaimed, enveloping Hwayoung into a warm hug.

Jay caught up to the two and sighed in relief, "For a second, I thought you wouldn't make it. We tried to find and-" His eyes were coated with extensive horror as looked at the blown up cafe.

"-I'm sorry. I couldn't keep you safe." Jay mumbled, rubbing the nape of his neck.

Hwayoung gave a small smile and in with her serious demeanour she placed her arm on his shoulder, "It's alright."

Jay pouted and Iris held onto Hwayoung like her life depended on it.

"Hey, are you survivors from this bombing?" A police officer approached them.

The man was in office attire- his brown orbs gleaming in the warm rays of the sun. He had a blonde mullet and held a notepad.

"Uh, yea," Jay answered the man.

He raised a brow to the man with an unexplained aura and stood in front of Hwayoung and Iris.

"I would like you guys a few questions about what you saw." He asked Jay.

"Make it quick, we're students." Jay seethed out.

The man chuckled, spinning his pen delicately with his fingers- a playful smirk displaying on his face.

"I just want to know, did you see these people?" He asked, showing a picture of three people.

There were two blue-hair people and a brown-haired boy, they were all unknown to Jay. He shook his head but Hwayoung looked at the picture, her eyes hooked onto the boy with brown hair.

"I saw him," Hwayoung answered, pointing to Chenle.

"Oh. Only him?" The man asked, his voice sounding disappointed. 

"Sorry," Hwayoung replied, shrugging her shoulders.

"We should go now," Iris said, tugging on Hwayoung's arm.

Hwayoung looked at the man's expression as his face became dull and annoyed. She sighed at his attitude and pulled her arm away from Iris- walking up to the man.

"If you wanted to know about the other two, why didn't you ask us straight up about them? Wy did ask about the other boy too?" Hwayoung questioned him.

The man looked at the girl- her action was unexpected and he placed his arm on his hip. "I'm looking for them and the boy- well I work with him." 

Hwayoung became fired up with the question and as she opened her mouth Jay walked towards her.

"That still does-" "I'm sorry, but we have to get going," Jay said with a fake smile- his hand over Hwayoung's mouth.

"Whatever." The man mumbled and walked away.

Hwayoung let the boy drag her to school as she watched the man's figure slowly fade out of her reach. As they entered the grounds of their school, Jay let go of the girl and sighed.

"It's only six-fifteen," Hwayoung mumbled, still looking outside of the school.

"Hwayoung, do you know that guy?" Iris asked- her tone becoming more serious.

"No." Hwayoung answered.

"Exactly. We shouldn't be around people like them." Iris said.

They walked into the hallway of the school and made their way back to the running track. As always, the three were the first ones to their track club.

"When do you think the coach will let us have a break?" Iris asked.

They all took off their jerseys- their training uniforms underneath and started to stretch. Hwayoung hummed as she stretched her arms.

"Never." Hwayoung joked.

"WHAT?! NO!!" Iris shouted and began her whining.

"Are you guys you want to train today?"Jay asked.

Hwayoung and Iris looked at Jay and immediately found scratches and dried blood over his left arm.

Hwayoung and Iris looked at Jay and immediately found scratches and dried blood over his left arm

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