The friends

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*27th March 2020. 11.08 AM.
Stay home. Stay safe. Stay healthy.

Shin's POV

I swallowed as I look around the library. As much as I longed for life as typical and pleasant as anyone else's, I never let myself get too comfortable. There is an exception though, with my friends. I trust them enough that I am able to be myself around them. Those two are the only people that I believe can still have lunch on the same table as me even when I'm being wordless for the whole day. But, then, Dew came and have his lunch with me. And even continue with breakfast. I feel like he's about to make me add his name on the list of people that deserve the exception.

I was brought back to reality by a light tap on my table. Dew tilts his head and asked, "You okay?"

"I'm fine."

He nodded and left.

I got back to my assignment. But my thoughts keep drifting. Dew.Exception. Dew. Exception. If I could have just initiated a conversation with him as he did to me, then maybe I would never get tongue-tied the next time we bump into each other.

Before leaving the library, I decided it was time for that act of bravery. I figured I'd flash him Shin Sarathoon rare smile and say, "Hi Dew," then walk past. That's all. Smile and say hi. It was a start.

This time, my courage held. I moved toward him. Oh God, don't let me chicken out, please. I opened my mouth. And made sounds. "Hi, Dew,"
Good. I even remember to smile.

Dew glanced toward me, then look up as if he was trying to take a better look at my face. I forced my gaze straight ahead and sped past, praying that he didn't realize the nervousness that creeping in me.


Around noon, I knew if I didn't take a break I'd rupture something in my skull. I grabbed the book I was reading last night and headed to the basketball court to see if the guys were around.

"Hey, it's the love-struck boy," Keon said when I got there. He was shooting hoops with Rome. "Want to play?"

"Sure. For a bit."

We played a couple of games and then I dropped out and let them play one-on-one. I sat on the side of the court and started reading the book I brought. Right when I was really getting into the story, something whizzed past my face and smack the book from my hands.

"Are you nut?" I shouted at Keon.

"It slipped," he said, giving me a grin as he chases after the basketball.

"No, it didn't," I said.

He gets the ball and tossed it to Rome. "Look, I'm being your savior here. Trying to save your eyesight. You're going to get all squinty and wrinkly if you keep reading." He squints his eyes and put his hands on my face like he was trying to feel his way in the dark.

"Very funny." I grabbed my book, moved farther away from the court to the bench, and sat where I could keep an eye on him while reading.

Later, when they took a break, Keon actually asks to see the book. He looks at it for a moment, scanning the pages, then said "Doesn't look bad. Probably better than whatever we have in class."

I nodded. "There's hope for you, after all. Want to read it when I'm done?"

"Nah, I'd rather waste my time on games."

"Have you seen your boyfriend today?" Rome stood next to me.

"Yeah, in the library." I look up to face him.

"Library? Dude, you went to the library, then went straight to class, and came here at the court to continue reading? Wow!" Keon said unamused.

"Library? So, I assumed you didn't have any conversation with him, huh?" Rome added.

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