chapter 7

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i was heavily breathing as i sat back and flew back over to gloxinia. droles rock giant had just one and gloxinia anounsed "team y/n wins" as i got back to gloxinia he wrapped me in his spirit sprear basquias again pressed up against him. i smiled up at him. now it was time for escanor and the pigs fight against gothers doll... i remember him, and the girl jerico i think her name was. i flew up higher to get a better vew then as i watched suddenly escanor was huge and powerful and was practicly glowing. then all of a sudden he said a few words under his breath and woosh this giant axe like thing. all of a sudden i heard him yell "secred treasure reta, REALEASE" and this huge wave of heat came towards us. it was almost like it was day time or somthing. i was pushed down to where gloxinia was. he quickly caught me and wrapted me in his basqias again. i sniggles up against him for comfort because this was getting fun to watch. as i was watching i noticed that it wasn't aiming at his aponents but he was aming at us. i was frozen i didnt know what to do i wasn't afraid i was just in shock. as he threw his blade at us i didnt move an inch. when it hit i felt a huge wave of energy and power come at us then it came to me 'why didn't i use full counter?!?!' i felt so stupid. i then noticed how long i had been zoning out... i looked around and there lay gloxinia motionless. it looked like he was knocked over i ran over to him and noticed that he was starting to recover, he then got up and used droplet of life. i sighed in relife. as i watched what was happening i noticed that meliodas was also down hear. i looked over at him closer and also noticed he was in his demon form i looked over at him and yelled "NOW DO YOU REMEMBER ME!?" he looked over at me and nodded although his stern expresion didnt change, i smiled but then it soon turned into a face of tarror as he went to attac gloxinia and drole. my closest friends. i dropped to my knees, what was this feeling?! i thought. all of these emotions started filling me thoughts at the same time. i started to feel light headed then i fell over not being able to feel anything at all, but then everything became black.

sorry for the short chapter i was really buisy today :p it will be longer tomorrow for sure.

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