cunning tongues [E]

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Toni presses her nose against the window and watches as the thick, white flakes whirl past. It's practically white-out conditions. There's no way she's going out there anything. Maybe not even the apocalypse. "The snow's really coming down out there, huh?"

"Astute observation, Sherlock," Cheryl says from the bed where she is lazing with a paperback in what Toni's pretty sure is Russian. She looks cute in Toni's sweater and a pair of yoga pants Perry had left during their last movie night. Actually, she looks so comfortable that Toni kind of wants to rip her clothes off.

"I'm just making conversation, Cher."

Cheryl doesn't look up from her book, so Toni sticks her tongue out at her.

"Cute, sweetheart. Wanna put that tongue to better use?"

"That's actually a really good idea." She crawls up onto the bed and kneels between Cheryl's thighs. Her hands reach out to caress Cheryl through her pants.

"You sound surprised," Cheryl says, in that clearly-practiced indifferent tone that Toni can see right through. She turns the page in her book, but lets her legs fall apart anyway.

"Would you like to finish that chapter first?" Toni asks deadpan. But her actions betray her sarcasm. She finds Cheryl's clit, fingernails dragging gently over the spot. Cheryl sighs and closes her eyes for a moment as Toni switches between soft scratches and hard rubs with her fingers. But her eyes open a few moments later and she returns to reading.

"I can do both," says Cheryl as she lifts her body barely enough for Toni to get her pants down. She smirks over the top of her paperback. "If I don't challenge you, how will you get better?"

"Not what you said this morning." She tosses the pants onto the floor, making a mental note to wash them. "Oh, Toni, you're so good; oh, Toni, you're the best," she mocks.

"You know you can't trust anything I say in the throes of orgasm," says Cheryl. She turns another page.

"Well, consider this challenge accepted, Cheryl Blossom. I'm going to make you come so hard you'll forget how to read – what is that, Russian? How many languages do you know?"

"Task at hand, sweetheart." Cheryl's eyes never leave the page as she reaches forward and guides Toni down between her legs. "Linguistics aren't as sexy to me as they are for our Floor Don."

Cheryl's wearing a pair of plain black panties, a departure from her usual lacy thongs. Toni likes her better this way, this relaxed, lazy thing that sprawls herself out on any comfortable surface like a cat. The lace and leather have their moments, of course, but Toni's kind of a homebody at heart, and nothing is sexier than when Cheryl looks comfortable.

"Gonna just sit there and stare at my pussy all day?"

Toni takes the hint and begins to absentmindedly stroking Cheryl through the fabric. "You know, for someone who is finding a book more interesting than sex, you're being awfully pushy."

"Or is this book so boring that only sex will make it more interesting?" Cheryl teases.

"You drive me crazy!"

"And I'd like you to drive me to climax. Or would you like a written invitation?" Cheryl's voice still holds that airy, careless quality. It isn't the apathy that annoys her -- Cheryl is anything but apathetic when it comes to sex -- it's the fact that Cheryl knows it annoys her. It's some weird cyclical annoyance... thing.

Frustrated, Toni leans down and bites the inside of her knee, right where Cheryl's most sensitive. Achilles had his heel, and Cheryl Blossom has her knee. She laughs like it tickles and twitches her legs away.

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