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"Greetings, little cousin" Lucy smiled as she ruffled Louis' hair completely aware of his annoyance

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"Greetings, little cousin" Lucy smiled as she ruffled Louis' hair completely aware of his annoyance.

He only responded with a grumble 'hello' and shoving her hand away from his hair.

Dominique was next to torment the younger male by repeating the same action as their cousin. Though, unlike how he defended himself with Lucy—Poor Louis knew better to fight against his own sister.

The purpose was simple and terrifying—considering she was just like him, one-eighth Veela. However, unlike him, Dominique had often shown her dreadful face that came with their genes—one that he preferred to forever erase from his memory.

It was possibly one of the fatal flaws to him that he disliked more than anything that came with their genetic traits. The appearance they had gotten when pushed to a limit of anger.

Louis shook his head instantly as the memory nearly resurfaced of seeing his mother, Victoire and Dominique's faces of terror. He was glad that he got the laid-back nature that his father had, and the chance of him displaying a feature was highly unlikely.

"Look, you two are the only ones I can ask" Louis admitted in annoyance as he eyed his sister and cousin both grinning at him mischievously.

The Gryffindor and Hufflepuff duo that he preferred to never have to in their words entertain in asking for favours.

According to their grandparents and fathers, the two girls were both the replicas of their Uncle George and late Uncle Fred. While the title was wrongly given to James and Fred—the girls before him were the true owners of the title.

Lucy and Dominique both had the skill of knowing almost anything about everyone in the school. Following that dexterity, the next was their pranks, which upwardly had been near the level that their uncles had.

"Mini, you never thought we'd see the day that little Lou—" Lucy started

"Would come to us, Lulu, I agree" Dominique finished

"Merlin, help me" Louis whispered to himself, that fortunately went unheard by the females

"So, little Lou, who is the unfortunate victim that we are dealing with?" His sister asked first as Lucy nodded

"It's nothing like that, calm yourselves" He retorted with the shake of his head," Listen, I don't need your pranks—ever"

Lucy snorted and shook her head in disbelief," You will eventually, don't be quick to assume" She winked playfully," So you need information, just give us their house and name"

"I only need one thing" Louis explained," I don't want you two getting any information more than I need. I respect her privacy"

Dominique hummed while crossing her arms," So it's that fellow housemate of yours, isn't it. What was her name, Seo Chang?"

Louis felt his face burn in embarrassment "How did—"

Lucy smirked cutting him off," Oh little Lou, we make it our job to know our dear family's current interest. It helps with blackmail"

Louis groaned and shook his head pretending to not hear what she said. The last he needed was to end up being involved in their schemes for if ever the family found out about that.

"I just want to know, what makes her..." He mumbled the last words making his sister and cousin lean in trying to hear it, but both failed to.

"Makes her what?" Both said in sync

"What makes her happy" He grumbled while averting his eyes. The girls shared looks and smirked knowing what was going on.

Their little Louis might just be starting to fancy someone.

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