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@tatodi_real  to anyone who misunderstood my last post, I'm truly sorry

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@tatodi_real  to anyone who misunderstood my last post, I'm truly sorry .. I didn't specify my caption. I am actually in a dance group.. I'm not in a girl group.. well I'm not a pathetic bitch nor an attention seeker.. but I guess I caught your attention somehow 🤷🏻‍♀️


@tatodi_real  one more thing, to my haters, I thank you for making time to type hateful comments on me.. I really appreciate that.. and .. before saying I'm a pathetic attention seeker, look down in the mirror first, darling. 😉

@Y/Nslayss  yaasss my queen 👸🏻

@golden_kookie  savaaaage

@mooniesun  omg you go gurl 🤪🤪

@breadman13  I freaking love you bitch

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