Broken But Beautiful

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Hello, beautiful people out there! 

Before I start talking about my story, the first thing I need to mention here: This story is inspired by an Indian Web Series bearing the same name as the title. I think quite many of you has heard about it? But the funny part is, I haven't even seen the series myself! Only watched the trailers, promos and heard the songs from YouTube! 

Then what basically inspired me? Definitely it's not the trailer?

No. It's the main concept that crossed my mind.

The name itself- Broken, But Beautiful. 

As I watched the clips and heard the title song quite a few times, I realized how honest these three words were. At some point we all break in our lives. We then start evaluating for our existence, we fight to mend those broken pieces and move on every single day, and we grow. Hoping to turn our life, and the live of our loved ones, into something beautiful. Knowingly, or unknowingly. Consciously or unconsciously. These three words made me think so much that I ended up relating myself to them, and as I related them to myself- the connection came out as words before I had even acknowledged what I was doing or what I was writing about.

Now, Kaisi Yeh Yaariaan holds a major important part in my life, believe it or not. I cannot really explain how, or why, but I can tell this much- every single bits and pieces related to it helped me mend my broken pieces in life. It inspires me to turn broken into beautiful every single day. It didn't come into my life just as a show, rather it came to me as my sliver wings. I'll be forever grateful to Nandini Murthy, Manik Malhotra, every other characters and of course, to the people who brought it to life. 

And I cannot consider myself fortunate enough for the fact that I got to portrait them in this little story of mine. I hadn't planned to write it at all. I just wrote, then wrote another chapter. The day I finished writing the 5th chapter, I told one of my friend about it and then she started kicking my ass because she wanted to read it. And there was no other way other than publishing it.

So basically this story is totally, like totally- nothing planned.

But I badly, desperately want, and need, to finish this one. I know a very crucial part of me won't be able to move on in life if I don't let them out in words. I'm a person who loves to express in written words rather speaking up. Writing is my safe place, my peace. So for my own sake, hopefully, I'll one day finish this journey beautifully.

And I really hope as from this moment, you'll ride this journey with me, too. Ready to join me?

Welcoming you to this broken, but beautiful story of mine. 

Welcoming you by adding a little bit of red to your life.

Welcome, to be-

|Broken But Beautiful.|

Every vote, every comment, every view will be very precious to me. I hope we'll all go through the journey together. Where you'll share your reviews with me, smile, laugh, cry with my words, relate to them and if possible, take something to keep with you forever. Something beautiful.

And now, sorry for the long lecture! Slide up or swipe left to read the first chapter! Thank you!

Now, some friendly reminder

• Though already mentioned, I still want to remind people that there will be 18+ content in this story. If anyone wants to back out, it's the right time.

• I'm no grammatical expert. I have clearly many issues in my writing. Hope you'll forgive me for that. Thanks again!

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