29. Life Is A Game-

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I have had many nervous times in my life, where I've started to sweat and shiver as the nauseousness washed over me- but right now it, it was standing on a point what I've never felt before. High or low, up or down- I don't know. It's just different.

And all I'm doing is sitting in my chair on my cabin, waiting for the clock to tick tick at 8, and wait for either one the thousand years of hell or my seven minutes in heaven to show up.

One is Madhav Mehta. One is Manik Malhotra.

There were two very silly reasons why I was nervous- one for each one of them. I am nervous to deny Madhav because it had been planned as a dinner night with my parents since last two days. I am nervous to deny Manik because I don't want to deny him, denying him would strongly feel like I'm denying my own self- but I'm even more nervous to think about what we were going to talk about, if I do not deny him, or me.

Madhav was really punctual. Manik wasn't, exactly what you call punctual. Who would I have to face first? I gulped.

It was weird. Why was I feeling so, weird?

I closed my eyes shut, sighed, and opened. The clock ticked. It was 8.

The door of my cabin opened with a click. Madhav came in. I inhaled.

"Nandini, let's go," he said importantly, checking his own wrist watch, "It's 8. We're supposed to have dinner at your parents, right?"

What do I do?

Whatever I do, I cannot tell him anything about Manik. I can't bring him between my mess, no. I know he has his own share of it very well.

"Nandini, I'm talking to you," I heard him say and felt his gaze turn sharp at me. I gulped again, not moving my eyes or my body.

"I know,"

"So what're you doing, looking down at the desk? Let's go!" He pressed, "Or do you have anything left to do?"

If he knows, anyhow- that I'm even planning to let him down because of, because of Manik- I closed my eyes once more. Madhav Mehta can be not only cunning or evil, he can be insane.

"You know Nandini, today the restaurant I have put reservation in, is a royal classic. I'm telling you. It's this new five star restaurant-"

He kept talking, scrolling through his phone. Nothing traveled my brain cells. It was full with thoughts directed somewhere else, somewhere-

But if I don't go with Manik today, will I be ever true to myself again?

I have to, most probably, spend the rest of my life with this man in front of me- the one I never wanted. Can't I just choose to spend one day, one evening- one night with the man I really, very, want to?

Don't I deserve at least this much? One evening?

"- and my friend, the chief chef I mean-"

"I can't go tonight, Madhav," the words left my mouth like whispers. His eyes traveled back at me, "Excuse me?"

I looked up into the confusion in his eyes, "I said, I'm sorry but I can't join the dinner tonight,"

The confusion changed hues in shock and perplex, "I don't understand, what are you sayi-"

"I'm sorry to cancel on last minute, but I've got an urgent matter to look into,"

"What urgent matter, exactly?" His frown deepened, the perplex and shock darkening to cunning, "Is there a new important case I'm unheard of?"

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