chapter 11"new school,new problems"

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Y/n POV:
what is this crack head doing here???? is he one of them??Really?! My ear drums are gonna bleed with all this screaming.Then I felt a hand on my shoulder i turned around to see a girl smiling at me,as i stared at her hand that was still on my shoulder ,gesturing to give me my own space ,she shrugged and put it back down.
???:Ur new right?
*i nodded in response*
???:Welcome,im Lisa *offers hand shake*
And ofcourse i didnt respond to hand shake.
LISA:*puts hand back down*hm..i guess,ur not a friendly type :)
I ignored her.
LISA:dont worry ,trust me u will need this friendship someday,tho im a friendly type and my arms  are always open for ur hug.

Urgh...who do she think she is? Trying to be sweet for no reason...

Lisa:u must be thinking who are those boys and why are girls fangirling them.
Me:dont u wanna fan girl them too *watches her in disgust* it obvious.Im not a gold digger
Me:yep,i guessed they are fangirling them cuz of how rich they look.
Lisa:hm.. and their handsome

I accepted the fact that they are handsome,but im not into boys so i cleared my thoughts quickly

Me:if their handsome why dont u cheer for them too
Lisa:if their handsome or rich it doesnt mean their good for me.

Well atleast she is not a

Me:why arent they good for u.
Lisa:well..u see...some wise girls like me exists in this school.These group of boys calls them selves as "BTS" And they are the most bad boys .Their are also rumors that says BTS members are pervs.But some girls arent wise like 'us' so they can go to any extend to become close to one of the members atleast.
Me:And...who is 'us'?
Lisa:Well they are my besties since 5th grade
Me:urgh...besties ..what ever...
Lisa:yah!! Atleast don't speak abt my friends like this.Why are u acting like this....i think u hv gone from some rough past that ur acting against love.

I was gonna shatter into tears right now,listening to what dhe said but i decided to stay strong.
Me:H-how do u....know?
Lisa:i think i hv the ability to read peoples heart?*smiles*

Im getting good vibes from her for some reason .May be she is a bit caring than others.I can atleast think abt friendship with her,just think.*sighs*
Lisa:Sorry abt reminding u abt ur past.
Me:no need to be*not making any eye contact* yeah so i was telling u abt that group.
Me:what abt them
Lisa:its better to stay away from them
Me:are they....that dangerous?
Lisa:u can say so.they dont discriminate bw girl or boy.If one of them notices u more than other ppl...may be if u mess with them or they are obsessed with u,they may ruin ur life to bully new u....
Me:i can handle them,IF they try to bully me.

Lisa:hm...but remmember ,they all hv high positions*pointing out everybody*
Rm is the leader of the group and his father is the principal of this school
Jin is the oldest among them all and the wisest.His dad is a well known buisness man.
Hoseok,Jungkook,Tae and Yoongi's fathers are all mafias
Jimin,last but not the least is the most richest of them
But jimin,jin and rm's dad may be mafias too and their fathers are good friends with each others too muvh as i know.
Me:how would u know that?
Lisa:nothing can hide in this school~(sassy tone)
Me:i see...
You both were chit chatting when lisa gets interupted by....

I know the chaps too short and i hv took alot of time to publish it....for certain reasons so sorry abt that

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