Back To Interviewing OC's (Interviewing Moonbeam & Venus-X) (Venus Part 1)

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Picture on top/side/bottom: That's Venus-X as Yessy (Secretly)
Author's Note: Dares will be next! :D

Ness: *looking at the long of interviews* Wow....(to angel) You have a lot of Interviews to do

Angel: I know *smiles* i don't mind interviewing OC's. Besides, i'm one of them to but way over powered

TL: Yeah but, don't you want to spent time wit your kids and husband?

Angel: Well *slightly smiles* I do but i need the money to take care of my kids

Samus: What are you saying? you win 1000,000,000$ for just intervewing a guest?

Angel: I know mother but my kids spend it for expensive items at the mall and other places...I love them to much

Fox: Sweetheart, why don't we combine our money? like putting your money and my money together?

Angel: I was thinking to do that dear. Alright *smiles*

Camera Guy: *clears throat*

Angel: Oh! sorry. (to camera) Hello everyone! welcome back to the show! today i'll be doing dares!

Ness+TL: Nooo! *hides behind there chairs*

Alissa+Jocelyn: *giggle*

Kayla: Don't worry, i'm sure its not that bad

Cody: Yeah

Ness: Well, i hope not

Fox: *gets another mission on lylat sytem* Ah (to angel) Honey, i got another mission to do. I'll see you and our kids at dinner time *kisses angel on the mouth*

Angel: *kisses back and hugs him* Alright, be carful dear

Fox: I will *hugs back* I love you

Angel: I love you to

Kayla: Aww! what a cute couple right there

Jocelyn: I know right? there so charming by just looking at them!

Alissa: I agree!

Cody: Awww

Fox: (to tiger)  C'mon tiger

Tiger: Wait, you got to do a dare

Fox: What?.....well i can't do it now, we got another mission to do in Lylat System

Tiger: *huffs* Alright, can you do it when we come back?

Fox: *huffs* Fine (to angel) Bye honey *hugs her one more time and leaves with tiger out the exit*

Angel: Bye dear. (to camera) Ok! let's get this show started!

Samus: What's the dare this time?

Angel: *looks at her flashcards* Hmmm........Wait?....this is an interview?

Cody: Who are you interviewing?

Angel: You'll see (to camera) Alright! change of plans, i'm going to interview a guest which is......Moonbeam! *claps*

The Crowd: *cheers and claps*

Everyone from the stage: *claps*

Moonbeam: *walks into the stage with a book in her hand and sits next to angel* Hi Angel

Angel: Hello Moonbeam, nice to have you here *smiles*

Moonbeam: Thanks for letting me come

Angel: Your welcome, now, may i ask you a few questions? *smiles*

Moonbeam: Ask away *smiles back*

Angel: Ok! 1st question, Do you have any parents?

Moonbeam: No

Angel: *reads her past*...Oh....i see *pats her shoulder gently* (Everything's going to be fine)

Moonbeam: Thanks *smiles*

Angel: Your welcome. Ok, 2nd question.....Do you have any crushes?

Moonbeam: No.

Angel: Ok, Do you have any powers?

Moonbeam: Yes, i have the power to control the moon and shoot moon rays with my hands

Kayla: Cool!

Jocelyn: That's pretty amazing!

Alissa: Wow!

Cody: I agree

Aracel: Me and Angel could do that as well

Angel: Indeed, next question....Is Moonbeam only your full name?

Moonbeam: No, its actually Moona Belle but everyone calls me Moonbeam

Angel: What a pretty name *smiles* i bet your symbol is a moon to

Moonbeam: It pretty much is *smiles back*

Angel: I knew that. Now for the last question...Anything else we don't know about you?

Monnbeam: Well i  use to live in an abandon library with my mentor Mr.Marla. And i pretty much went to a quest to save save the world and all. They say i was the chosen one

Samus: Where are you from Moonbeam?

Moonbeam: I'm from a land called Dreamworld, a land of imagination of goof and bad

Angel: That's really interesting Moonbean

Moonbeam: Thank you Angel *smiles sweetly*

Angel: Well! thanks for coming Moonbeam! i hope to see you soon!

Moonbeam: Your welcome *about to leave*

Ness: Wait whats that book for?

Monnbean: My magic spell book, goodbye everyone *waves and leaves*

Everyone: Goodbye!

Angel: Ok, now to interview my best friend, Venus-X! *claps*

The Crowd: *Cheers and Claps*

Everyone from the stage: *Claps*

Venus-X: *appears infront of the stage and double jumps in the air* *she softly lands on the furniture blue couch next to angel and sits down*

Everyone: *Amazed*

Angel: Venus! *hugs her* (how's your new design yessy?)

Venus: *hugs back* (it's good, but i don't want anybody to know that i'm really Yessy...)

Angel: (I see) *breaks hug and nods* (Don't worry, your secret is safe with me)

Venus: (Thank you) *fixes her arm*

Angel: Ok! you ready?

Venus: *nods kindly*

Angel: *about to interview venus*

Camera Guy: Psst! miss Angel, my battery is at 2%

Angel: Alright well (to camera) I'll have to finish interviewing Next time! *waves*

Everyone: *waves*

Thank you all for reading! i'll continue interviewing Venus-X on the next update! and after that, are the requested dares! :)

So as always,







(Not Edited)

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