Chapter 32

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"He's been an absolute angel Miss Grace. " I said while I watched her rock him from side to side.

To say I was over the moon when I found out Derek had invited miss Grace for afternoon tea , would be putting it lightly. He said that I deserved this time with her more than ever , and I couldn't love him even more if I tried. He made me so happy.

"Must take after his mother. " she said with a smile. "What did you name him dear ?" She said while I looked over at Derek asking if I was allowed to tell her. Now don't take this the wrong way , I was just asking since we decided to tell the city together at his ball. But when I saw him nod his head and smile , I swore I got ten times more excited.

"Actually, Derek named him and it's such a beautiful name Miss Grace." I said all giddy.

"Now hurry up and tell me." She said laughing while I took in a deep breath and saying his full name - that I wanted to share for the last month - to the first person outside of the royal family.

"His name is Prince Elliott George Lauder. " I said with the biggest smile on my face.

"It's perfect Elena. I love it." She said tearing up a bit.

"Oh Miss Grace , I didn't mean for you to cry." I said with a smile while handing her a napkin.

"I can assure you they're tears of joy." She said with a smile. "So when is the big naming ball ?"

"Well, we decided to just enjoy our time with him. Hence why no one outside of the royal family - and you of course - have come to learn his name this past month since his birth. So we'll have it sometime this week or next week. I just have some things to still work out." I said , patting my dress down in thought.

"Sounds wonderful. I can't wait.  " she said while I savored every moment with her. We talked right up until it was dinner time and Derek had insisted himself that she join us. At first I was so shocked but sometimes I just have to remind myself that this was the new him. And I loved seeing him like this. 

"You know , I really appreciate what you did for me today." I said tracing shapes on Derek's chest while we cuddled.

"I know. But you deserve so much more Elena."

"Why do you say that?" I said looking up at him.

"For the way we met, the way I treated you and the man I was. I want to make it up to you each and every day of my life." He said while I could hear the hurt in his voice. I could tell he was really beating himself up over all of this , even though I had forgiven him a long time ago.

I sat up as I placed my hand next to his head and placed a kiss to his lips.

"And I'll love you everyday no matter what for the rest of our lives." I said after pulling back , while his eyes bounced between mine looking for sincerity. But all he needed was a little push to know I meant every word.

I captured his lips once again as his hands wrapped around my body before he deepened the kiss and things went way further than we thought it would. But this time , I didn't regret anything. We were truly inlove and I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

"Morning my love." He said while placing peppering kisses to my face as I woke up with a smile .

"Is that , breakfast in bed ? Derek Lauder who are you?" I said with a giggle while he handed me the tray.

" I'm the king of the castle. I can do whatever I want." He said getting in next to me while I fed him one of the strawberries from my bowl.

"Well in that case, I'd want everyday to be like today. "I said with a smile.

"As you wish my queen." He said close to my ear, sending a shiver down my spine.

"Where's Elliot?" I said looking around the room.

"He's with my sister so we can spend some more time together.  Alone."

"Derek!" I said surprised as it felt like I was a giddy 16 year old girl all over again.

By the time we really got up and ready for the day , we've just about missed lunch but that didn't stop Derek from getting us some of those hamburgers I loved so much. He even let me make as much of a mess as I wanted to. And it was so worth it.

"See , it's more delicious if you make a mess." I said laughing while the mustard was dripping off of his chin this time.

"You're right. How could I have missed this ?" He said laughing while wiping his face clean.

"Here, try this." I said handing him a fry while he raised his brow at me.

"I've eaten fries before Elena."

"Not Benny's" I said feeding it to him.

"Oh my goodness , this is AMAZING!" he said while I laughed at him again. I've come to cherish these moments as much and as often as I could. Because I knew once he started working again , that we wouldn't have this time together anymore.

With him, every moment felt like my forever ...

It's shorter than usual but I'm nearing the end so I'm trying to get as many chapters out as I can. Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed it. Remember to leave your thoughts in the comment section below. Until next time, keep howling my wolves ❤🐺

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