The Laurence Boy-Part 1

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               "You are sweet as a honey bee"

"Jo! Ella! Come quick! We've been invited to an event" Meg squealed from inside

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"Jo! Ella! Come quick! We've been invited to an event" Meg squealed from inside.

Jo and I ran from from where we had been reading. Jo carries her novel and my play in her arms. Meg stands with a crumpled letter in her hands. Jo forcefully pulls it from her, Meg shakes her head in return to Jo's boyish actions.

"Dear March sisters" Jo read aloud "you have been invited to a public gathering, please attend well dressed and proper"

"A party" I exclaim, we never usually invited to events let alone a party.

"Yes, I don't want to go" Jo wines, leaning her head on my shoulder.

"I'll go" Amy excitedly interrupts just beside me.

"No Amy, we've been invited, stay here with Beth" Meg explains

"I can teach you chords" Beth suggests from her piano

"No, I want to go to the party" Amy wines further

"If you turn up people will question" Jo explains

"And why's that?"

"Because you look to much like a baby" I laugh when's she screws her nose up at me, I return the gesture and her face drops. It's heartbreaking. I pity her as usual. "Hey, I'll let you decide what I wear if you want"

"Yay! Okay" Amy cheers grabbing my hand, going to lead me to her room.

"She needs to do my hair first, don't you Lou" Jo argues, grabbing my other arm

"That's unfair Ella never spends time with me, she's always with you" Amy wines "plus I'm not going remember"

"Of course I remember" Jo tugs on my arm, Amy pulls back.

"She's my sister"

"She's my twin"

"We share dresses"

"We shared a Womb"

"Okay that's enough" Meg cuts in before my arms are pulled apart like a rag doll. I nod my thanks to her. "Amy go dress her and Jo I'll do your hair, you see her all the time" Jo looks from our older sister to me. I answer with a shrug and she rolls her eyes at me. Amy cheers her victory and waltz me to her room.

She sits me down on the broken wood bed and shuffled around for dresses. We're both near the same size despite the two year age gap, we borrow a lot of clothes from one another. She likes my dresses and gloves. I like her scarfs and hats. Amy likes to fluster me in dresses she's made, we used to parade around town for half an hour, her yelling nonsense while I blushed in embarrassment. It used to be great fun when we were younger, it gets irritating now but I keep with it because of the joy it gives her.
Amy pulls out pinks and blues measuring them against me, constantly chattering to herself. She brings out a light pink frock with white ribbons for sleeves first, then tosses it aside saying it doesn't compliment my skin enough. Then it's a big blue gown, she almost immediately decides against it. It looks better on her than it ever would on me she protests. Which is indeed true but rude to admit aloud. Finally she settles on a warm purple gown with light yellow lacings and puffed sleeves. It was the second dress she made me recently after she had her break to paint.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2020 ⏰

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