Chapter eleven

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In a matter of four weeks I went from the scrawny gay kid that everyone picked on to the schools next bad ass. After kicking Scott's ass everyone looked at me differently cowering in the hallways when I walked by. It felt great.

"Hey baby" Travis kissed my cheek as he slung his arm over my shoulder.

"Hey babe" I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt slamming my lips onto his as Scott walked by.

"Mmm baby wanna skip? take this to my house?" he asked as I sucked on his neck.

"Mhmm" I mumbled into his skin before grabbing his hand and pulling us to his car.

"Do you have any cigarettes?" I asked as we settled into his car.

"Yeah in the glove box" he said pulling out of the schools parking lot.

"Thanks baby" I said lighting a cigarette. I blew the smoke at him in a playful manner causing him to giggle.

"Smoking's bad for you" Travis mocked.

"Shut up" I laughed. I stopped laughing when I saw three guys ganging up on someone.

"Stop the car." I grabbed the door handle.

Travis slammed on the breaks and followed me out as I stormed over to the guys.

"Hey!" I yelled causing them to stop beating up the guy.

"Hey Grassi we were just beating up your ex. He ran when we came after him" Michael smiled fist bumping his friends.

"Your fucking kidding me." I rolled my eyes then shoved him out of the way revealing a very bloody Scott.

"Get up." I demanded placing my hands on my hips. He stood up slowly holding his abdomen.

"Mitch?" Travis asked from behind me.

"What?" I snapped.

"Just leave him" Travis spoke with all seriousness. I whirled around to face him giving him the death glare.

"No. If your not gonna help me then leave." I said turning back to Scott. I heard Travis scoff but didn't hear him walk away instead I felt his hand on my shoulder.

"If you do this were done" I closed my eyes as he spoke then opened them jerking my shoulder out of his grip.

"Are you okay" I asked Scott. He was hunched over trying to breathe.

"Y-ye-yea" he stuttered.

"Come on." I said helping him stand up then snaked my arm around his waist causing his arm to fall around my shoulder.

"Why are you doing this?" he asked as we began to walk to my house.

"Because I love you idiot" I snapped
causing him to stop talking the whole walk home.


I set him onto my couch then went to the kitchen to make an ice pack for him. I can't believe I'm actually gonna do this even after all he's done to me I'm gonna let him stay here. I might even take him back.

"Put this on your nose it looks broken" I said handing him the ice pack then sank to the ground next to him.

"I'm sorry" his voice was faint and weak but held so much guilt and meaning.

"So am I" I rested my forehead against the couch next to his arm.

I cried silently as Scott was taken into a deep slumber.

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