First story pls be nice
Fernando Olivares it's a 35 year old 6:5 ft tall arrogant and cold-hearted son of a b**** he is the owner and CEO FO Tech one of the biggest tech companies in Mexico and Latin America.
But he is the biggest softy for his litt...
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After bickering for what seems like forever he finally dropped me out at school just in time for me to go and take my stupid test but not before catching up with Anna.
We both asked in sync did you study enough for this test this was right up her heels hist Anna was, is,and will be a history freak so she didn't need to bother even studying for this test.
She's a freaking genius we are both pre-ap no wonder she got a full scholarship she has a 4.0 average. I am just tankfull she got in this hell of a horrible School I have always been bully but never wanted to tell my brother
Gia 5.5 and Alexa5.4 both 125 lbs both tan way and I do mean way to much that they star looking like Oompa Loompas being the sluts that they are they have actually rearrange their school uniforms I am not going to lie but they don't look like nuns they do look good cute even
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Definitely definitely not the brightest but yet the slutiest we were once very good friends growing up my brother used to tell me to watch out for them they didn't seem like nice people I wouldn't listen to them I mean I grew up with them and I'm nice but yet again my brother was right.
Out of nowhere they started bullying me till this day I still don't know why they were the meanes son of a b****s out there it just out there.
Franco 5.10 185lbs and Eddie 5.8 180lbs their boyfriends we used to hang out all the time at my house not going to lie when I was with them I was some meanness brattiest spoiled kid out there tell you the truth I didn't even like myself when I was with them but we grew up together I thought it was supposed to be this way until they came at me They started rumors about me that weren't true then out of nowhere they started ignoring me and pushing me in the hallways off school they just didn't meet at me anymore apparently they got four of me it started throwing books at me what's cafeteria they pour there drinks on my head for everyone else to laugh. The worst came during gym when I was in the shower they took my clothes away and wanted me to come out completely naked so they could just laugh at me I was able to get some clothes not mine but I didn't give them the satisfaction of going out naked and that's how I met Anna she gave me her clothes the extra one she had for gym