ii. Friend or Enemy ?

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Friend or Enemy - Money can't buy friends, but you can get a better class of enemy

"The wound that Marina's death has left in all of us will take a long time to heal

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"The wound that Marina's death has left in all of us will take a long time to heal." Ascuna declared with pragmatism leaving the duo Bjørkaas completely lost as to the current situation."I need your help to achieve it. From all of you."

They finally understood that a young girl, probably a high school student, had died. However, they didn't really know how to react as they could see the impact it had on their comrades.

At least Luís had trouble realizing.

Conversely, Freya knew of death and its impact. She could understand what it did to a person. What she didn't grasp was why it would lead to a fight.

She glanced briefly at the young brown of the other day just to see him apply a piece of tissue against his bloody arch. The mere sight of blood made her shiver as she remembered a much more painful moment.

She immediately gave a look at little brother thinking about it before putting a look on his wrists covered by the famous blazer of Las Encinas.

"Guzmàn." Suddenly called Asucena as she approached the tall blond from earlier to speak to him with restraint and caution. An attitude that Freya knew. Simply because people treated her exactly the same after her mother died."I can't even begin to imagine what you are going through."

"No, you can't." Guzmàn immediately accepted with impassiveness before finally leaning on his desk in anger and obvious pain."And now imagine that you had to bump into the one to blame for all that pain in the halls all the time."

Freya frowned on the blond's back in confusion before turning her head to her brother. The latter straightened in his seat visibly equally perplexed before shrugging his shoulders at the sight of Freya's gaze fixed on him.

"Samuel isn't the one to blame."

So his name was Samuel.

Freya gave a new look on the back of the little brown before looking back on the blonde's back to his blame blast."If Samuel hadn't come to this school ... if him and his fucking brother had stayed in their shitty little village, none of this would ever have happened."

Freya found herself again giving a puzzled look between the back of the little brown and the blond, Guzman. She didn't understand why such hatred was directed against him. Better yet, why such disdain was used against him.

"Your father got him the scholarship."

"You're the one that renewed it. Why?" Guzman immediately resumed leaving Freya assembled some information.

"He's a good student. It wouldn't be fair."

Unfortunately, it seems that everything Asucena said was going over the blond's head. He was far too deep in his own grief and tantrum to see that he was picking on the wrong person.

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