1. I don't think I'm fully dead

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You know what's probably the stupidest of deaths? Well first of all pro-tip; don't have your girlfriend shoot you with a powerful semiautomatic. Well now ex. Whichever, I bled to my fucking death and probably saw stars. 

That shit fucking hurt. 

I'm guessing the doctors couldn't save me. The bullets did kind of go through me but I'm pretty sure they destroyed every nerve system I fucking had. How sweet. 

Whatever now, that's not the main problem. I'm just more confused why I'm standing "outside" in this whole new place and maybe even world. There were people carrying swords and some leading horses on a lead. Not to mention some people had really long elf ears. They dressed kinda different than the modern days. I probably looked like a clown to them. The thing that caught my eyes was the fact some of these guys had pretty big guns. My eyes dart over to the warps and portals emerging and leaving, entering new people and some leaving to who knows where. 
So, if anything, this was a hub area. Zone. Whatever.. I'm probably still unconscious. Or in a fucking coma. 

The sky was pretty. And it was the same sky I've always seen. Clouds are the same. The air. Maybe even the solitude too. 

"Watch out!" A small kid cried. I step back as a quick horse galloped pass me. It was kinda like a pony. The kid chases the horse, making sure people were getting out of the way. Before I even smiled at the sight the sky turned red. "Praetors and Mjolnirs, please be suited and head to your stations." A feminine robotic voice said. "There is an outbreak at 5B."
I look behind to see some guys nod their heads and others in their armors jogging to a red portal. Some of them took a weird elevator down underground. 

"Squads Alpha and Gamma, please attend to your mission. 13C."

Some younger guys and few girls chased over to their emerging portals. Swords and snipers. There was one girl in particular that made my have my attention on her. It wasn't even a suit like the other group they called earlier. She was too open. A desert theme outfit. Her top, more like it was just the top part of a bikini or bra, had its straps. Her whole stomach and back showed. Her sleeves were long but showed the girl's shoulders and hands. And this "skirt". It wasn't even close to a skirt. It looked like rags and yes her thighs were showing on the slit sides of the skirt. The stretchy part went out her waist and had rubber tying to one side. It was weird because the other three girls didn't wear that. They wore kind of elite stuff. But this girl.. she didn't even carry a gun or sword. She had a bow around her back. A small blade attached to her hip. Her arrows were hanging inside a bag on her waste. The thing that stand out more was.. her skin was this pretty blue color. And lighter fainted blue stripes like a tiger was on her skin. Her face was very feline like. She wasn't tall but her tail, so thin, was long. Her hair was braided a bit and her eyes were like honey. Sharp. Honey. Like this alien cat. It was awesome but wow it was so NOT human. Her ears were just a little bit higher than a normal humans. The stuck out like a different type of cat ears. Like an elf but not so quite. Her hair was this dark brown, almost black, the tip of her tail "fur" was the same color. Those ears moved and tilted up and down. In and out. Like eyes dilating. Listening.  

"Alright!" A strong voiced female shouted. Holding up her sniper over her shoulder standing next to a heavy geared male. "Team Gamma, find the source and demolish it. Keep any information."
Then the male spoke, "Team Alpha! Our duties are to protect the Gammas. We are to defend at all costs."

My eyes fixed back to the girl. She just nodded her head not even cheering with the others. She reached for her blade but then touch it. 

The portal grows as each step inside. Following their group leaders. 

I look away as the portal shuts and sky turns back to blue. This was like a dream. What were they fighting against? What was even all this about anyways? And what fucking species was that!? 

"fyape syaw fko ngar?" I look to see another one of those types, black haired and dressed more modern than the girl. He had asked something in a different language and it wasn't French.. 
"I.. uh. I don't understand you." I wanted to motion my hand to my ear, but I don't want him to think I was gesturing the wrong way or to think I was being rude to him. Those eyes of him kinda scare me since they were big. He smiled then chuckled, "I asked, what are you called?" he had this weird accent. Kinda strong but kinda faint too. 
"Ethan.." my voice kind of faded a little weird out that he could speak English kind of OK. He moves his head to see the portal shut completely go vanish. He looks back to me, "Where?" 

"Oh-" I look behind me and back to him a little confused, "I'm not going with them- I just.. Kind of got here."
The being smiled again, "smon nìprrte', come and I'll show you to your kind."
"My kind?"

I start to follow him, "How.. uh.. what are you?" Maybe it wasn't rude to ask. 

That's his species? Holy shit then these guys must be tall.. I'm following a 10-foot tall, blue-skinned, sapient humanoid! But.. if that's their height.. why was the girl much smaller? He stops at a tall open gate, "You will find your answers inside. kìyevame." 
I..don't know what that means, "Thanks?"
"kea tìkin."

He leaves waving to some swordsmen. 

At this point I wasn't so sure if I want to die or not. There's a language barrier and I don't like it. It sounds cool to go on missions or whatever it was. It actually sounds like you could just live a normal life here. A..second life..
I felt myself shudder. A second life would be I'm not in my original body.. wouldn't it? Would be kind of logical there but maybe not the most. One, there were those cat alien guys. Two, the higher tech on those suits. Third, they got elves here. It's a fantasy land. 
I kind of felt myself die a little, just a little. 

But then I realized, 

I'm not fucking dead here. 

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