2. Avatar

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Has it really been three months? I've gotten well use to my suit. It wasn't that heavy. I felt like a dog being trained those past months. My head hurts from the heat and waves from the lava. The smoke covered my headgear. I could hear the sounds of heavy machine guns blasting. The sounds of skin being pierced through by each bullet. These sounds were fading inside my head..

I was sent with a small group. Mortal beings had taken a great change. Something about merging. And from what I know that's not suppose to happen. That's what I've been told. Informed. This status thing was confusing still.
When I did walk in, I was happy to see other human beings. Beings like me. Each with their class or own equipment. Gears and suits. It's amazing to see how much a single body can be and take by. It's good to hear a language I understand. Though they warned me I might have to learn a new one. They taught me how to use my suit and the attachments. The gun wasn't so bad and I got well adjusted to the headgear status and it's own technology. The Praetor suit was kinda cool. It's mostly dark green, silver, black and bronze in color, with slightly lighter legs and helmet. So not completely heavy. It's weird because other Praetors suits were not built the same way. They were frail. They looked nothing like mine, it made me feel special but a bit suspicious.

"Ethan!" One of the gunners shout at me. Pushing me to get my thoughts back together before we were crushed by boulders. "What the hell is wrong with you?" He asked, "Now isn't the time to daydream."
"I know, my bad OK?" I shouldn't be annoyed. It's my fault. My mistake.
I stepped back trying to get myself together.

We weren't the only ones here. In this Hell world. That blue skin girl was assigned with us. Only her.
I look over to see her climb up the tower. A thin unsteady metal tower. Some demons were crawling up right after her. I shot some down before they grabbed her. The girl swung and hung upside before removing the lid to a metal box.
"What are you doing?.." I lowly said to myself watching her strike her hand and pull out green and blue wires. Extracting the information to her chip. For a moment she had glanced to me.

My heart just stopped.

Move. Move your feet. She's going to fall if I don't do anything!

"Come on!" I nudge one of the gunners to follow my lead. We shot some demons down and carried up. The girl noticed us and climbed the most down, until she stopped herself. "Baron!" Her hand hit the metal poles to get our attention. Then pointed off to a larger demon. I turned aiming my gun at it.

Talk about ten feet..

That thing roared loudly charging at us.

"Stand." The gunner said.

The girl dropped down. Pulling on the Baron's horns. "Do you two want to die?!" Clear and fresh English. For a Na'vi.
The Baron tried to reach for the small Na'vi. Very fucking mad at her.
We open fire at his arms and legs. The girls' legs locked around the demons neck. Taking out her knife and striking in to his eye.

I thought I went blind for a second. The skin was glowing up.

"Kill it!" The girl yelled at me before jumping off taking her knife out. She lifted my arm up.


I took my helmet off walking behind the people that were with me. "Haha! I think we did awesome!"
"Hell yeah!"

I look down. I hardly remember what I did. Taking down that demon with a final blow? This suit was unbelievable.
It's familiar..

The Na'vi sprung next to me. Smiled a bit as I did. "I never got your name."
"Regina." She undid her hair. Walking along side with me. "You.. are Ethan?"
"Yeah, does word get out?"
"I overheard your name." She looks back forward. Cleaning the blood off her blade.
"You speak fluently for a Na'vi."

Right after I said that she stopped me. Pointing the blade at me. "Avatar." Her eyes glared, "I have five fingers." She raises her hand. "Na'vi have four."
"Y-yeah sorry." She was a bit scary. Not so scary.
"You're fully pledged. Alive."
"No. I died being shot at with a semiautomatic."
"Oh? I lost my legs." She moves the knife away from me, "I died a.. unsustainable death."
I frown a bit, "So if you are human why do you look like that?.."
"They were able to save everything of my nerves and brain and transfer the simulation to this body." She lifted her arms and checked herself, "Learned their language and I never felt to free. I love it."
"Yeah? Well I wouldn't want to be completely nude."
Regina rolled her eyes, "It can't be that bad."
"Aaaand that ends the conversation!"

"Pshhh ok."
"Nothing. But have fun on your next mission." She leaves trotting off with her tail swaying.

I shake my head a bit, "What a girl.."

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