This request tho- XD

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Sooo- FuntimeFreaksXD a.k.a Luna, my friend requested Dust, Horror and Killer being crackheads- I hope I remembered them right- ;w;

Annnddddd- this is what I did!

Dust: Prepare for trouble!Horror: Make it one plus double!Killer: And get ready to suffer!

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Dust: Prepare for trouble!
Horror: Make it one plus double!
Killer: And get ready to suffer!

Ghost Paps: Nyeh! That's right!

I made them say the team Rocket's intro but added a lil bit- XD
And yes, I made Ghost Paps say Meowth's line, but a lil different- ^^"

I hope you like it Luna! ^^"

And about the Krème thingy- I'll I'll tomorrow- and today's drawing tomorrow, it's getting late- ;w;

Extra; ;w;

Nightmare: God, they watched too much pokemon...

Cross: Why are they even still here-

Lust: Don't question it Cross, I stopped that a long time ago.

Error: I'm gonna kill them- this is the 9th time they enter the room like that today!

Ink: And it's still morning...

All of them except for the trio and Ink: What the fu-

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