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She's clumsy.
She's kind'a chubby.
She's not that perfect.
But she's all that I wanted.
I don't know why for some reason but she looks fascinating for me.
Everyday of my life, that whenever I see her, she never fails to be charming.
She never fails to make my heart skip a fcking beat.

She's small.
She's petite.
She has round cheeks.
But I love her.
I love her everything.
Her flaws.
Her imperfections.
Her faults.
Her weaknesses.
Everything about her.
Everything about her looks beautiful to me.
Everything about her is so damn perfect for me.
Everything about her suits her.
And it makes her, her.
That's why I love her EVERYTHING.
I love them all as much as I love her.

She's slow sometimes.
She laughs out loud.
She eats too much.
But that's her specialty.
That's her hidden beauty.
Her beauty that puts a smile on my lips seeing confusion drawn all over her face.
Her beauty that makes my heart melt just by hearing her laugh.
Her beauty that makes me want to feed her every food she likes cause she's too "head over heels" when it comes to food.
Her beauty that made me think that she's the one.
Her beauty that never failed to make me smile.
Her beauty that only she can make.
Her beauty that made me fall for her.
Because that's her.
And I love her so much.

She's fragile.
She's a crybaby.
She's short-tempered sometimes.
But that's her.
And that makes me want to love her even more.
Because she needs someone who'll take care of her.
She needs someone who'll wipe her tears when she feels so worthless.
She needs someone who'll understand her when she gets moody.
She needs someone who'll love her imperfectly self.
She needs someone who'll appreciate her even when she thinks she's kind of a 'mistaken work of art'.
She needs someone like me who thinks of her as an abstract masterpiece.
Messy but beautiful.
Behind those chaotic and jumbled strokes lies a magnificent beauty.
And that's her gift.

She may be small.
And moody.
But I love her.
And no PERFECTION in this world will ever reach her imperfect but splendid peculiarity.
She's different?
She doesn't look pretty at all?
So what.
She's not perfect?
Sure she's not.
But for me, everything about her is what as it should be.
She's everything I said. But I love her.
And that's what true love is.
Despite seeing her ugly and flaw-full side,
I still love her.
Because love is not about perfection.
Nor supremacy.
It's about how you accept and love the person despite her differences.

And that's how much I love her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2020 ⏰

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