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First things first, let me introduce myself! My name is Alexis Powers....kinda cliche right? Yeah my parents are like that. But anyways, I'm just like any other average teenage girl, I like hanging out with my friends, listening to music, and of course Snapchat! I have light brown curly hair that goes to about the small of my back and I have dark green eyes. But...there is one thing a lot of people don't know about me. I have visions. Not like the visions everyone else has...mine actually come true and happen, so in a way I know what's going to happen in the near future. Obviously if I told anybody about that then they'd look at me like I had 5 heads so that's why the only two people that know are my best friends Clay and Morgan. I met them at the home care facility I was admitted to. Sometimes I go home, but something always happens and I get sent right back to Sandy Lake Teen Care Center. I suppose your next question is what in the heck is that? Well, it's basically a home where teens can go if they are in a bad situation at home and need help getting back up on their feet. For me, some of the reasons I've ended up in here are pretty bizarre. I'm in here this time because I was sitting at my kitchen table when my aunt came over to visit us with her new puppy and the dog came running up the stairs without anyone in my house knowing and somehow, my moms friend ended up throwing it over my porch, so then this whole fight between my aunt and the rest of my family erupted, so I went in the driveway to cry and out of nowhere a rabid coyote jumped out and attacked me. Now this wasn't a particularly friendly coyote either.....I jumped up to go in my basement and it followed me into the house. So I ran upstairs and it kept following me, but this wasn't any ordinary coyote, this one could turn itself invisible. I was upstairs trying to escape the freak of nature coyote, let's just call him Scar when everyone looked at me like I was crazy, jumping around back and forth. Now what they didn't know was that Scar was attacking me. Eventually, Scar turned himself visible again and everyone went haywire! So, Scar stayed in the house for the rest of the day and just as I was getting ready to leave, he planted a huge bite mark on my right hand. Now of course my counselor decided to come visit as Scar was attacking me. So, I went over to her car and talked to her as she pulled into my driveway.

"Hey Alexis, how are you doing?"

"Oh! I've been really good lately! Ummmm we didn't have a scheduled appointment today did we?"

"No, I was just around your area so I figured I would come and visit you. What's with the wild coyote and screaming family?"

"Oh! Scar is harmless! He's invisible half the time anyways! My family is just fighting over the dog that went flying over the porch earlier."

"Uh huh...I see. Alexis honey, are you okay?"

"Yeah! I'm fine! Why?"

"Do you have a fever? Invisible coyotes? Flying dogs?"

"No! The dog got thrown over the porch!"

"Get in the car honey...we are going for a ride."

"You are NOT bringing me back to crisis counseling. I'm over my depression."

"We aren't going to therapy."

"Let me go get my stuff at least...."

"I don't think that's a great idea honey. This isn't a stable environment. Oh what happened to your hand?!"

My hand? Oh yeah...she's talking about the bite from she's gonna think I'm an even bigger freak when I tell her.

"Scar bit me, but it's okay!"

"Who's Scar?"

"The coyote!"

"Alexis. Get. In. The. Car. Now."

So my counselor brought me to the Teen Care Center, and that's how I got here! It's actually pretty fun! I have real friends here and I can be myself.

Present Time

"Where's my little Alexis?!"

Stupid Clay and his nicknames....ughhhh whatever, he's totally cool.

"I'm in here brat brain!"

Clay makes his way in my room and sits on the edge of my bed. He plays with the fringe on the ends of one of my blankets and I roll over to him in my computer chair and poke his nose.

"Bloop! I got your nose!"

Clay forces a smile and looks down at the blanket. I ruffle his hair and do a sad puppy face.

"What's wrong Clay Clay?"

"I have to have surgery tomorrow. I'm scared."

Clay is in this home for a few different reasons. Reason one: He was taken away from his family because they beat him. Reason two: He got in trouble for drinking, smoking, and partying several times. Reason three: He has cancer.

"Clay I'm sure it's gonna be okay! I'm here for you and so isn't Morgan. You're gonna be okay buddy."

"But what if I'm not? What if I'm that one patient that doesn't make it?"

"You gotta be positive buddy! Do you think I wanna be in this home? Well I actually kinda do but you need to look at the good things!"

"Like what?"

" have friends here that care about you! I'm always gonna be here for you!"

"The only people I have are you and Morgan."

"That's not true! You have Eli, Trey, Dawson, and Drake too!"

"I'm pretty sure they're not gonna be by my bedside holding my hand through the surgery Alexis."

"They might not be....butiwillbe."


What?! I don't like Clay! What are you talking about?!

"What time is the surgery?"

"No...I don't think so missy! What did you say?!"

I blush a deep shade of red and roll away from Clay back to my desk. He gets off my bed and grabs my chair and brushes my hair out of my eyes.

"Hey...what did you say Alexis?"

"I said....nothing. It's dumb."

"If I thought it was dumb I wouldn't be asking to hear it again."

"So you did hear me?"

"! I didn't!"

"I'm not saying it again!"

Just then, we hear a knock on my door and the nurse comes in.

"Hey have a visitor in the lobby. Hey Clay..."

"Alright I'll be out in a sec."


The nurse walks away and I look at Clay with a puzzled look on my face.

"Why was she acting so different? She wasn't herself."

"I don't know...who's here to visit you?"

"Probably just my mom or something."

"Alright you should probably go see who it is. I'll be in my room, but come over when you're done okay?"

"Okay! See Ya later brat brain!"

"See Ya later A-lexis!"

I step out of my room after Clay and walk to the lobby and see a face I haven't seen in 4 years....

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