♡ 3 ♡

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Once this man had calmed me down enough to where i was just doing little, short whimpers he started walking out of the room with me still hidden away in his arms.

i looked over his shoulder, my eyes travelling around the hall away and eventually down the staircase to a modern, but quite colourful house.

the living space was pretty. it had long, grey sofas with colourful features around the room. the massive flat-screen TV above the electric fireplace was playing a random TV show. he must've been watching TV before he came upstairs to see me.

"would my princess like some nice milk? there are different types of flavours too. like strawberry or my personal favourite, banana~?" he asked politely, still trying to sound a bit playful to make me more comfortable i guess.

"m-mm" i didn't want to take anything he offered me. just in case he drugged it or something.

"c'mon kitten you have to. I'm not going to hurt you i promise. it's only going to make you feel relaxed, isn't that what you want?"

he had a point, i'd much rather be relaxed than in the panicked, state i was and still kind of am in.

i lifted my head up off of his broad shoulder and gave him puppy eyes, well, the best i could, saying as the were still a little red from crying earlier.

"whats the puppy eyes for? you have to have your milk okay? please? for daddy?"

i figured that if i agreed with him he would stop begging as i could tell he was a stubborn one, but i took my chances, saying as i probably wouldn't have to have the milk if i kept refusing it.

"baby please?" he begged again.

"nuo!" i raised my voice, i didn't want the pacifier falling out of my mouth so i accidentally pronounced it wrong. but at this moment i couldn't care less.

"ay, don't think you are allowed to raise your voice at daddy. only bad girls do that and you are a good girl. see, bad girls get punishments and you don't want a punishment do you?" he said sternly.

my eyes widened slightly, hearing about a 'punishment' made me much rather have milk. i really hope it won't be drugged.

"mmhh, nuo, sowwie" i said around my pacifier, looking a little bit guilty.

he did a soft smile, placing a peck on my cheek. "good girl".

he slowly walked over to the kitchen which was connected to the living room, taking the formula he used to make the milk for me.

"which flavour, beautiful?" he turned his head my direction and raised an eyebrow.

i thought about it for a second and looked away, looking at the different formulas.

"mmm.. stwawberrwy" i said, hoping he could understand what i said.

he looked slightly confused for a second, furrowing his eyebrows and making me do a little giggle. he immediately smiled at my giggle and narrowed his eyes.

"strawberry?" he asked again, making sure he heard me right.

i nodded, realising i was starting to like him and quickly turned my head away from him and back on his shoulder, not wanting to speak to him in case i somehow got attached. it was a bad habit of mine, getting attached to people too quickly. well, when a say 'is' i mostly mean 'was' because it's not like i meet new people on a daily basis.

"you feeling better now kitten?" he said while preparing the milk.

i didn't reply, wanting to say yes but also no at the same time. i had mixed emotions. i was overall feeling fine but the panic was still sorta there. i didn't know this man or anything about him. now that i think about it, i don't know whether it was a good thing that he kidnapped me or whether it was bad. of course it was bad, it's wrong to kidnap someone but in a weird way, I'm a bit glad he did. but i still needed to leave, i couldn't stay here. what if my mom was wondering where i was? no, she probably wouldn't care. but still, I'm her daughter, right? ugh, everything is so messed up.

after around thirty seconds or so he turned his head back to me, i never even noticed the tears building up in my eyes so i tried blinking them away before making my head go the other direction so he wouldn't be able to see me.

"kitten? is something wrong?" he must've looked concerned because i could even hear it in is voice. i still didn't want to answer him.

"jagi look at me, please." after he asked that and i still didn't turn my head to him, i heard a frustrated sigh and felt a hand on my chin, lifting it up and tilting my head so he was able to see me.

he furrowed his eyebrows again and i could see a small pout on his lips.

"what's wrong?" he said calmly, going to take out my paci but stopping. "ill let you speak, here." he continued to take out my paci, placing it on the counter next to us. "hm?" he hummed, waiting on my response.

i looked down, feeling a little bit guilty. "i-i just wanna go home. its n-not because i hate you but i just feel unsafe a-and i don't know you." i stuttered, scared. you could even hear it in my voice. it was obvious.

he glanced away and glided his tongue across his lower lip in concentration. "want me to tell you about why you are here and who daddy is? as long as you don't freak out, okay? i don't think you will but just a heads up" he made a small smile at me and finished making the milk. "we can feed you whilst i tell you, yeah?" he kept the smile on his face, wanting me to feel comfortable around him. you could tell he had tensed up slightly. "yeah" i mumbled, confused.

he had the warm strawberry milk ready in his hand, grabbing my paci and walking us to the living space. he sat down on the sofa and turned off the tv. i stayed silent, not really knowing what to say in the first place.

he put the nipple of the bottle up to my lips, trying to get it inside.

"c'mon baby, open up." i shook my head and pouted, not wanting it. oh, why did i have to agree to this earlier?

i felt a hand creeping up on one of my sides and quickly started to giggle, opening my mouth. i was being tickled. i hadn't been tickled in years, as much as it made me think about my past, i tried my best to ignore it.

"good girl." he praised me again like earlier when i apologised. i wasn't particularly happy about what he just did but just wanted to hear about him so i didn't whine.




hey loves! sorry, i haven't updated in a few days, online school has been difficult and i'm really far behind :(

anyway, its my birthday! 27th March, at least that's good! although i'm stuck inside i will try my best to make it fun.

i hope you are all staying safe through this, it's okay to panic but try to be relaxed. remember, as long as you do the right things you'll be safe. make it stay that way, be safe and if you arent it's not too late to start now. stay inside everyone.

i apologise for any spelling mistakes made, i tried to make this one a little longer than usual.

{ Thank you for reading! remember, don't be a silent reader! i'd love for feedback and ideas, votes keep me motivated to write and comments honestly make my day. i love you! stay hydrated and eat if you haven't in a while. bye-bye! }

- alli <3


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