Best Friend Rejection

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I stare into his dark blue eyes and love the way they shine. It's as if he's looking directly at me and loving everything he sees, but no. I turn and realize what he was really focusing on. Her. She walks with a step that seriously make me want to tear my eyes out. I can see she's trying too hard but not wanting to sound like I've been taken away by complete jealousy I stop thinking of everything she's doing wrong and clench my pearly whites instead. Can you blame me? I haven't seen this kid in a while, neither this chick (thank the heavens for that) and he doesn't even seem to notice me which causes the hurt to fill my bright green eyes, im guessing he doesn't notice this neither since he just keeps staring at her and totally ignoring me, not even looking my for half a second.

He walks over to the girl that use to be one of my closest friends but now I've seem to realize she was nothing but a fake. Everything we went through and all the time I spent with her, talking and sharing secrets even though I was always cautious with what's told here feeling I should never say too much and knowing something was off with the girl. So now I just stand there and watch them, my heart breaks...again. And just as I felt it was starting to repair after all the damage it has gone through over the past few months. I almost turn away but then I see Him hug her, my heart aches for one of those. I remember we use to share them all the time. Everyday. But now i know ill never be able to steal one again and i don't even think id be able to handle it, no matter how warm and comfortable they were.

She lets him hug her and seems to hug back, but i notice theres no effort there, while flashing a stretched smile in return. I feel my eyes begin to get damp and I try my best to hold back the tears that are soon to spill.

I turn to walk away and find myself come face to face with one of my now closest friends. He Inwraps me in a tight and much needed hug. I start to smile and gently push him away beginning to laugh for maybe the first time in months. He smiles back and unlike some I've seen lately his smile is warm and bright. Most importantly its REAL.

I look down and not wanting to cry in front of him, even though I've done it countless times before, i try to control my self and hold back the tears hat have slowly been threatening to escape after seeing Jonah and Kayla ignoring me like i was just a speck on the wall, after all we've been through. I look back up straightening myself out and somehow he sees the hurt on my face.Im guessing he'll begin to ask me what's wrong and whats gotten me so upset, being the protective friend he, but no, he just wraps his long arms around me once again and rest his head gently on top of mine, but not before planting a warm kiss on my forehead. I start to cheer up knowing he cares so much about me and knows how to make everything just a but better, but right after it vanishes. Somehow my be ex-best friend Jonah has noticed and is walking towards me and Ryan. I feel his arms tense and tighten around me. Ryan knows everything that's happened between me, Kayla, and Jonah. He understands why I hate them both, but still not why i ever fell in love with Jonah, sometimes don't understand that part either but then think back to all the good times we had together, how close we were before it all went down hill. NO Delilah stop thinking about that! That was then and this is now! You have to get that out of your head before you crumble right in front of him! That cannot happen again, and will not happen again!

It's funny how Jonah didn't notice anything about me when we first walked in, but right when I seem to have a perfect moment with Ryan he's here to ruin the party. And actually Jonah doesn't understand what he did, he never did even after I screamed out all of my feelings to both of the little suckers. He thinks he can just make it up to me by coming in whenever I'm happy and trying to join. NO! I refuse to let him seep his way in again and so does Ryan whether I liked it or not. I wasn't going to befriend Jonah again and I defiantly didn't plan to change that now.

They had finally made their way over to us. Jonah with a huge almost real like smile on his face and Kayla with that same fake look that I cant stand and never will.mRyan never let go of me and I thanked him for it. But now it was time to face Jonah and the chick that managed to sneak her way in. It was time to stand up to them, once and for all.

Best Friend RejectionWhere stories live. Discover now