Before I begin

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I never thought I could muster the courage to execute my ideas into a well thought out plot let alone a book, much less one for the whole world to read.

But what got me writing was the sad passing of someone, she took in all the ideas that I had for the book and designed this beautiful cover, though I've only talked to her on occasion, those few times were enough to convey her high spirits and love for the creative arts.

Her passing made me realize just how short life is to not live it up when you can, just the way she did, working with many communities, putting her artsy side to work making brilliant covers, and writing her heart out.

I decided then, that it was time for me to grow and muster the courage to write the book that she had made such a brilliant cover for. Not only because it was the least I could do in recognition for what she had left behind, but for myself, for growth is difficult and can only be fuelled by courage.

This book is for her.

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