One Way or Another

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"Ugh, finally." I breathed out.

After a long-ass day, I finally made it home. I was sweating all over, head, face, legs, you know. I noticed that something was off the minute I walked into the house, the door to my bedroom was closed and Jimin didn't come out to say hello. I carefully crept over to the room and opened the door to find Jimin hovering over someone while thrusting. The girl underneath her had seemed familiar; that same girl had shrieked. Jimin turned to what she was looking at and his eyes widened in horror. 

"Y/N?!!" Jimin shouted.

I couldn't speak at all, I just wanted to go and strangle him and the girl. I managed to get a good look at the girl and I was taken aback. "Minsaki?!!"

Minsaki looked my way and then used the blanket to cover her chest. She shook her head and walked into the bathroom with clothes in her hand. Jimin was scratching the back of his head and then started putting his clothes back on. "Y/N, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to, she came up to me and started doing all these weird things to me! I swear."

"Shut up, you looked like you were enjoying it with the way you went into her" I spoke while turning away. "Y/N, I'm sorry," Jimin whispered. "We're breaking up and that's final!" I yelled.

He went into the bathroom to change along with Minsaki as I took whatever I could and shoved it into a bag. I dialed Hoseok's number and waited until a cheerful voice picked it up.

"Y/N-ah!!" Hoseok yelled over the phone.

"Hey Hobi, can I stay over?"

"For as long as you want princess."

"I told you not to call me that Hobi!" I whined in protest.

"You deserve better than Jimin but other than me," Hoseok replied.

"About that, I broke up with him."

"You did?! Great, give me details when you get here hm?"

"Okay Hobi, I'll see you in a bit then?"

"Obviously!" Hoseok hung up.

As I walked the streets of Seoul, I could see couples in cafes sharing food or desserts as they giggled and spoke about different things. I smiled at their happiness and continued my way over to Hoseok's home. As I arrived, I could tell his door was unlocked. I walked in and locked the door this time as Hoseok sprang up from the couch and hugged me tightly. "Hello again!"

"Hoseok, you know what to do right?"

"Yep, my phone was charging while I was waiting for you."

"Okay," I nodded, "it all started when..." I could feel myself going into a trance and concentrating on every detail about what happened over at my apartment as Hoseok texted several group chats from work. After I finished telling my story, he continued texting and finally pressed send. "That's it, his reputation will crash." Hoseok grinned. I giggled and hugged Hoseok as thanks and after, we started talking about the most random things.

Back at Jimin...

Jimin was freaking out after he looked at the kitchen counter with a note he read with shaking hands and a few bills that were stapled to it. "Minsaki, come here will you?" Minsaki chirped up and skipped over to Jimin while hugging him. "What's the matter, babe?"

"Can you," he paused, "pay this for me?" Minsaki looked over his shoulder and her eyes widened. She snatched the paper from his hands and read it over for who knows. Minsaki looked up at him and shook her head violently, "No, you said you had the money for this. I can't pay this shit!" 

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