Reigning Defeat [Short Story]

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        Cheering crowd, let's do this. I will retain the Divas Championship and I will not let you down, I thought as my theme song Dear Agony by Breaking Benjamin blared throughout the Miami, Florida arena. The cheering crowd couldn't even stop when I stopped by some fans to give them a hug, a kiss or even took pictures with them while I was holding my prize, the Divas Championship. 

        "The following contest is for the Divas Championship!" ring announcer Eden announced. "Coming to ring, from Austin, Texas, she is the Divas Champion, SearingSorrow imigie!" 

        I finally made my way to the wrestling ring and saw the referee nearby. I dipped my head and let out a scream while holding my Divas Championship high in the air. Behind me, I saw the referee jump with a terrifed expression on his face and I realized I might have scared him. I patted him on his soldier as an apology for scaring him just when my music stopped.

        "Let's light it up." More cheers filled the entire arena. I recognized that song. Before my very eyes, I saw my former best friend, now rival Heaven BlackWidow skip her way down to the ring. As Eden announced who she was, I started to feel stricken with pain in my heart. A memory seeped its way through my mind. Heaven and I were working as tag team partners against our rivals, the Bella Twins. While Brie was out, Heaven and I gave a huge slam to Nikki as I pinned Nikki to get our win. We hugged each other and stood tall to signify our victory. The memory slowly slipped away as pain began to show on my face.

        Suddenly, another memory began to enter my mind but it was a completely different memory. It was hard to put my finger on it for a bit. "I think this is going to be good," I whispered to Heaven. Heaven didn't look convinced at all. "Sorry to break it to you sis," she began. "It's official. You tried to steal my victory and now you are the worst best friend!" She gave me a hard slap to the face and immediately after that, I returned the slap. It became a heated physical brawl between us. My heart stung in piercing agony as the memory slipped away. 

        I didn't want to lose my Divas Championship to Heaven who was already in the ring. I hugged my championship for possibly the last time and kissed it. "I hope to win tonight sweetheart," I whispered to it sadly. "Soon, you'll be safe and sound with your mother." Tears filled my eyes as I gave the championship belt to the referee who held it high to show that the match tonight was for it. I knew what I had to do.

        RING! RING! RING! There was the bell as Heaven and I began the match with a heated stare down. Heaven blew a kiss at me but I was not entertained. I gave her a hard slap to the face then pushed her down hard. Heaven quickly stood back up and pushed me back as I fell to the ground. Quickly getting back up, I gave Heaven another shove but she pushed my arm away and slammed me to the ground. Before I could get back up, Heaven quickly held me down but I managed to get my shoulder up to stay alive in the match. Heaven gasped in shock. "You think you can win? Huh?" she shouted before I super kicked her to the chin. This was my chance. I held her down but she didn't stay down for long. "I should be asking you the same question!" I cried. The referee had a smirk on his face and I gave him a hard glare, just enough to frighten him before I continued to focus on Heaven. 

        Heaven was not paying attention so it was my chance to sneak behind her. I was sneaky enough to climb on her back and pull her arm. It was my own submission hold known as SearingSorrow. Heaven didn't scream but was frantically trying to find a way to get out of my hold. I pulled as hard as I could until Heaven elbowed me in the ribs and broke free out of my hold. "This can't be." The shocked tone in my voice troubled me as Heaven backed away from me. This allowed me the time to be devastating. I prepared myself and charged at Heaven and knocked her out. I rushed to her side and quickly blew her a kiss. Satisfied with my own mind game, I held her down but she managed to break free. "NO!" I cried, holding my face in utter shock.

        I stood up and prepared to weaken her more but I felt Heaven climb on my back as if she were going to go on a piggy back ride and got a hold of my wrist. First, there was a stretch that almost felt as if my entire arm was a rubber band stretching. It slowly began to sting. I gasped until I felt a burning sensation that was so painful that it felt like someone was pulling my arm off. It ran up and down my arm, going from my shoulder to my palm and the vicious cycle continued. I screamed when I felt this searing agony. The referee stood close to us, trying to see if I was going to give up or to continue fighting. It felt so real but I couldn't give up now. I will not give in. Just let me fight, my thoughts tried to keep me motivated. I used my free arm to push Heaven back but she held on and pulled on my arm harder. I screamed again as the pain grew worse. I was suddenly secretly hoping to be numb so I wouldn't have to feel the burning agony. My screams became so pained that I was almost crying

        Suddenly, a new thought came to my head that left me shocked. I had a difficult decision to make. Would I battle the pain and not let my fans down or would I want the pain to stop and give up? I wanted to stop the pain but I didn't want to let my fans down. Unfortunately, another new thought came to my head and it possessed bad news. "I'm so sorry my lovely people," I whispered sorrowfully. "I don't want to do this but this is too much for me to endure. I'm so sorry." Immediately after I said that, I felt my free hand touch Heaven's leg as I patted it, signifying that I had given up. Tears filled my eyes as I backed away from the middle and found the nearest turn buckle.

        As Eden announced Heaven as the new Divas Champion, I buried my face in my hands and heard my anguished sobs. I stopped crying for a moment to see the expression on Heaven's face. She looked so thrilled, jumping up and down as she exited the ring and held... my baby! The Divas Championship belt was known as my baby and now it was passed on to Heaven. I slowly got out of the ring just when a chant began to fill the arena. "You tapped out!" The crowd chanted repeatedly, causing the pain in my heart to get worse. It began to hurt so much that I collapsed on the floor and cried once again. I hoped for someone to comfort me and help me through my sorrow after the match but no one I knew what had happened. I had gained two new friends but lost two friends. My friends were no longer my Divas Championship belt and Heaven. My new friends were sorrow and defeat.

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