Seperated- Corbyn Besson

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pairings: high school! corbyn x reader
warnings: none :)
summary: you always had these pictures surrounding you with you and this nameless boy from your childhood that you vaguely remember but couldn't put your finger on who he was. but when you return back to the town you grew up in, you meet a boy that looks sorta familiar. hmm......  a/n: sooo don't know why this post got deleted somehow but it's back! this is porbably gonna be four or five parts but we will see!

I always had these unexplained photos of some random unnamed boy and I in my house. I never really thought anything of it, I had just been told it was an old childhood friend. I seemed to have a lot of these photos, considering I  moved to Sweden when I was six. I was born in America and went to school there until first grade, when my dad had a job opportunity in Sweden. It was a big risk, but we took that chance, leaving behind the  american lifestyle. I was fluent in Swedish by the time I was 7, and life seemed to be going good until about when I turned fifteen. My dad passed away in a car accident, unexpectedly. Out of devastation, my mom and I decided to pack up and move back to the U.S for a fresh start. So, here I am now. August 30th, moving into my new house in Washington D.C, which was coincidentally a few towns over from where I lived as a kid.
You woke up on the morning of September 6th to an obnoxious ringing coming from your phone. Your groaned in exhaustion and rolled over to shut it off. The numbers read 6:30 am. Your body ached to go back to sleep, but it was your first day of american school since the first grade. You sat up, rubbing your eyes. You threw on the outfit you had picked out the night before. A pair of plane jean shorts, and a band tee. You headed down stairs to grab breakfast, put on your barley wearable converse, and head outside to the bus stop. You carried out and your morning routine, and got on the bus as planned. You hated taking the bus, and since you were only a sophomore and couldn't drive. The large yellow vehicle pulled up to the end of your street and stopped with a horrid screech. She groaned and stepped on to the crowded bus. Not thinking anything of it, she looked around for an empty seat, but instead seeing thirty pairs of eyes staring at you. They sensed that you were new, so they continued to stare until you embarrassed sat in an empty seat. You quickly put in your earbuds in an attempt to block out the fact that everyone was analyzing everything you did. You were mindlessly looking out the window when you felt someone sit in the empty space next to you. You turned your head in confusion. You saw a young sweet looking girl smiling at you. She wore her long ginger hair in a side braid, and freckles covered her beautiful features. She was wearing a pair of straight-leg jeans and a band tee, similar to yours. She continued to smile at you while you analyzed the girl sitting next to you. You took out your earbuds, waiting for her to say something.
"Hi!" she said excitedly. You smiled at her kindness.
"Hi!" you replied rather cheery, contrary to what you were feeling on the inside.
"I'm Macy Johnson. I noticed your shirt," she said pointing to your t-shirt with your favorite band on it, "and I thought I should say hello. I also know that your new, and I know how hard it can be to meet new people. Over there, that's my best friend Londyn. She's super sweet." You spotted a girl sitting diagonal to the seat you and Macy were in, she waved shyly, quickly introduced herself and scooted over a seat to engage in conversation. You noticed her short brown hair, with the first strands of her hair dyed bright red. She wore two toned mom jeans and Doc Martens with fishnet socks and a simple black shirt. She seemed super chill, you definitely wanted to get to know her better.
"She's also very shy." Macy said with a giggle. You giggled along with her. You had a good feeling about these two.
After a lengthy bus ride to school, you hopped off the bus and looked at your new school in awe with your two new friends by your side.  It looked similar to a college campus and honestly, you weren't prepared to navigate through the crowded courtyard. You stood there, shocked.
"I promise it's really not that scary once you get used to it. Lemme see your schedule." Macy laughed a bit. You pulled your schedule out of your back pocket and unfolded it to show her as she requested. She looked it up and down before he face lit up in excitement.
"Look! We have our first three classes together, Londyn too!" she exclaimed. The three of you squealed in sync. Macy lead the way to your first class in America since the first grade.
The three of you walked into your Ethics class. You looked around at the set up and were kind of surprised at how similar it looked to the classrooms in Sweden. You scanned the room for an empty seat, but before you could find a seat the teacher bombarded you with a seating chart.
"Macy Johnson? Over there," she said pointing to a bare looking table. She scanned the list for Londyn Queen. She spotted the unique name almost instantly, and pointed to the seat next to Macy. They squealed in sync, just as they all had when they got off the bus. You however, were not squealing with joy. You would have to sit with some random bozo, you didn't even know. The teacher looked down at her list in confusion.
"Oh? You must be Y/N Y/L/N! A new student, welcome! I'm sure you'll find yourself right at home." She greets you with a warm smile. She pointed to an empty seat next to a popular-looking boy. He had blonde-ish hair, beautiful blue eyes, and wore a simple outfit. You were panicking inside mainly because he was fairly attractive which automatically makes him that much more intimidating. This boy also looked strikingly familiar, but you couldn't place your finger on it.
You pushed the strange thoughts out of your head and started to walk to your seat. You sat down with a thump, placing your heavy bag on the ground. The boy looked over at you and smiled brightly. Your heart practically stopped seeing his shining teeth smiling at you. You.
"Hey. I'm Corbyn." he said cooly. You smiled at his courtesy. Maybe he wasn't a bozo, afterall.

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