Chapter 1

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Kaelynn's PoV

I woke up and looked at my clock which said 1pm.
"Sh!t" I ran out of bed and to the bathroom to start my shower as I was running I bumped into my room mate Linda. "Whao...... Slow down, what's going on?!" She asked with a confused look on her face. "I'm late to meet Maz at the station!" With a worried look on my face. " no your not its 7am you woke up on time, see" she showed me her phone and the time said 7:07am. I was so happy that I wasn't late to meet maz cause if I was the things that he would do/say to me is something that I would not like to think about. As I got into the shower I started thinking about the tour that linda,sam,maz and I were going on....... The Peace, Love, Positivity tour. Now I know what your think yes the title is corny but trust me it's a good tour. I had all good thoughts about the tour until I started thinking about the other people that might be on my bus (bearing in mind that there are 8 buses for everyone one in the tour) yes I know overthinking is bad but come on. The only people I know that I on my bus are linda and Maz and that's it. But today I'm going to find out who else is on the tour and how many people are on one bus.
It's around 8:45 and I'm just about to leave I grab my keys, bus pass and phone with earphones, say good bye to Linda and walk out the door. A good 15 minutes went by until I was at the station and there he was.......... THE MAZZI MAZ ......... And before you think that he is my boyfriend, no but I wish, he is my internet brother. As I was approaching him, he was wearing a black jumper with a white design, black skinny jeans with a red checkered blouse around his hips and black Dr martins. I was basically wearing the same thing but a little girly. He had his earphones in so he didn't hear me coming, as I came closer he was wearing the colon I simply love, I tapped him on the shoulder. He hesitated a little before turning round to me wearing the same thing as him........

Mazz's Pov.
I felt a tap on my shoulder and got a little scared. I turned around slowly only to see my little sister standing behind me, all cute and ish, as I was face to face with her I noticed that she was wearing the same thing as me all I did was laugh as she skipped forward and shouted "common den!!" I jogged over to her, put my arm around her and squeezed her into my side and said "nice to see you too" with a chuckle. She giggled and went through the train gates. I shook my head ,smiling, as I went through the gates after her.

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